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1.We should complete our homework before we go to school. ______
  • A. finish
  • B. give
  • C. ask
2.My father would like to go traveling with me during the summer holidays. ______
  • A. has to
  • B. agrees to
  • C. wants to
3.We often go to the park together because we are good friends. ______
  • A. quickly
  • B. with each other
  • C. happily
4.When the class is over, students can have a break. ______
  • A. rest
  • B. drink
  • C. party
5.They enjoy watching movies very much, so they watch movies once a week. ______
  • A. finish
  • B. love
  • C. stop
I walk to school because my home is close to my school.
  • A. under
  • B. behind
  • C. near
7.—Jimmy, why can't I watch TV for more than twenty minutes?______
— Because it is bad for eyes.
  • A. is good for
  • B. is harmful to
  • C. is strict about
8.—Can you do the work by yourself?______
—No, I can't. I need some help.
  • A. all the way
  • B. all over
  • C. on your own
9.When you______, you take air into your body and send it out of your body.
  • A. disappear
  • B. breathe
  • C. cry
10.I ______ get up early and do lots of sports, so I am strong.
  • A. usually
  • B. never
  • C. seldom
11.The book is too______. I don't want to read it any more.
  • A. boring
  • B. funny
  • C. new
12.I don't have to work today, so I am ______ and I can enjoy myself.
  • A. lazy
  • B. free
  • C. busy
13.—A ______ means you have in your mind and you want to realize it someday.
—Well. I want to have one now.
  • A. dream
  • B. name
  • C. pngt
14.—Can you tell me where I can buy some fresh vegetables and meat?
—There is a______ along the road.
  • A. school
  • B. hotel
  • C. market
15.—I went home late and was hit by a car yesterday.
  • A. I am sorry to hear that.
  • B. Good for you!
  • C. Really?
16. On Sunday morning, I usually get up very late. I wash my face, and then go out to do morning exercises. It is about 8: 40 am. After I eat my (1)       , I often go to a shopping centre (2)       my mother. The shopping centre is (3)       our home, so we walk there. It takes us about 20 minutes to get there. The shopping centre has a good (4)       It is called "蓝莓购物中心" in Chinese. It doesn't have an English name. Can you (5)       it in English? It is new and big. There are many things there, such as TVs, fridges, computers, clothes, food (6)       drinks. There are many (7)       every day. There are men and women, the old and the (8)       . (9)       do many people come here to buy things? Do you know? Let me tell you. The workers there are always nice and friendly. The things there are usually good but not (10)       . If you come to my home, I can take you there and have a look.
17. Julie wanted to be a painter (画家) when she was a child. When she learned about the famous Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci in school, she became even more sure about her dream. She wanted people to enjoy her paintings, Julie started to learn how to paint when she was just 4. When she took a painting class for the first time, she didn't dare (敢) to paint anything. She was afraid that her teacher and classmates would laugh at her paintings. But her mother told her, "Don't worry. You'll do just fine." Julie tried to relax and took out a paintbrush. With the help of her teacher, she painted a sun and then a beautiful house. Step by step she made her first work of art. She was very happy! Now, she paints every day. She has improved (进步) a lot.
She is not afraid of other people laughing at her anymore. She believes she will be a great artist someday.
18. You might not think much about where your garbage goes. But now you might want to know. On July 1 Shanghai introduced a new garbage-sorting policy (垃圾分类政策). People there need to put different kinds of garbage into different bins (垃圾箱). Other cities in China will do the same soon.
Why is garbage sorting a big problem? It's because there is too much garbage these days. It is bad for our soil (土壤), air and water. Actually we can make use of some garbage again. And first, we need to sort our garbage.
For example, if you put an old battery (电池) into the "harmful waste (有害垃圾)" bin, people can use it to make new batteries. But if you don't, the battery will end up somewhere else. Then, it will pollute the environment (污染环境).
Can't factories sort garbage for us? Yes, they can. But it takes many workers to do this and costs lots of money. If we all sort our own garbage, things will become much easier. Recyclable garbage includes (包含) paper, books, boxes, newspapers, and glass bottles. Harmful garbage includes lamps, batteries, nail polish (指甲油) and other things with harmful chemicals (有害化学物质). Wet garbage usually comes from the kitchen, such as food, vegetables, flowers, leaves (树叶) and eggshells (蛋壳). Dry garbage is anything you cannot put into the other three bins. It includes pens, toilet paper, tape (胶带), hair, and towels (毛巾).
19. Paca is a frog. Her life changed when she saw a singer's long hair on TV for the first time. She loved the long hair.
"Oh! I want something like that. Something that makes me special," Paca said to herself.
Paca didn't know that frogs don't have hair. She thought that maybe she could grow her own hair by singing. She began to sing everywhere she went. She went to towns and cities, to the sea and mountains until one day she sang in a barber shop (理发店).
While Paca was singing, the hairdresser was cutting someone's hair. Some hair fell on Paca's head. After seeing her new hair, Paca thought that her dream was going to come true. In her excitement, she sang so loudly that she woke up the hairdresser's cat.
The cat thought Pa-ca was a mouse and grabbed her. But after touching Paca's cold and slippery (湿润) skin, the cat found that Paca was not a mouse and let her go. At that moment Pa-ca learned that she should just try to be herself.
20.  Among all the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, it was the large-scale military parade (大规模阅兵) that caught the world's attention.
  The parade was the biggest of its kind in recent decades (数十年). About 15, 000 officers and soldiers took part in it. It was the first time for China's peacekeeping troops (维和部队) to take part in the parade. Female generals (女将军) joined the foot formations (徒步方阵) during the parade for the first time as well.
  All of the military hardware (武器装备) shown at the parade was developed and produced in China. Of all the 580 weapons (武器) and equipment shown at the parade, new weapons accounted for 40 percent, including DF-41 intercontinental strategic nuclear missiles (东风41洲际战略核导弹) the ZTO-15 light tank (ZTQ-15轻型坦克) and the H-N bomber aircraft (轰炸机).
  Mass pageant and gala
  A mass pageant (群众游行) was held after the military parade, turning Tiananmen Square into a sea of joy. The theme of the parade was "Jointly (共同) building the Chinese Dream", showing the world how China has made progress over the last 70 years. A total of 100, 000 people and 70 floats (彩车) joined the parade. It ended with 70, 000 doves and 70, 000 balloons flying into the sky.
  In the evening, a grand gala (联欢活动) took place at Tian'anmen Square. Over 60, 000 people took part in the gala, including Party and State leaders and representatives (代表) from different fields. Beginning at 8 pm, the 90-minute gala started with fireworks that formed the number 70 in the sky. There were many ethnic folk songs (民族歌曲) performed at the gala, showing that the 70th birthday of the PRC is a day shared by Chinese people of all ethnic groups.
21.  Brown lived in a house less than two miles from his office, so he was able 1.             (drive) home every day 2.             lunch. Every time he drove home at noon, he 3.             (find) at the road outside 4.             (he) house cars were parked, but there was no room for his own car. He had to drive somewhere else 5.             his car. Then he had 6.             idea. He put up a board which said "No 7.             (park)!" in the garden facing the road, but nobody seemed to take notice of it. People obeyed a police notice, 8.             not a private one. There were no parked 9.             (car) where there was a blue board 10.             white letters on it.
It is       
I like        .
I       .
In autumn       
27.霜降( Frost's Descent)是二十四节气(solar terms)之一,今年是从10月24日至11月8日.霜降节气含有天气渐冷、初霜出现的意思,是秋季的最后一个节气,也意味着冬天的开始.关于霜降的诗词(verse)"霜叶(frosty leaves)红于二月花"被人广泛流传.人们常常在霜降时吃柿子(persimmon)来抵御(resist)寒冷和保护骨头(bones).在霜降时吃板栗(chestnut)对人身体有益.
假如你是李华,你的国外好友Greg Lauren最近要来中国交换学习,准备住在你的家里.他对霜降节气很感兴趣,向你请教与之相关的事情.请你写封email,为他介绍节气特点、常见食物及活动庆祝.
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2. 行文连贯,条理清晰
3. 词数:60﹣80
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