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1.Mr. Black is very kind to others. We all like ______ very much.
  • A. him
  • B. her
  • C. them
  • D. us
2.We have a big family dinner ____ Chinese New Year's Eve.
  • A. at
  • B. on
  • C. in
  • D. for
3.—____ does Mike spend on his computer a day?
—He spends all his spare time sitting in front of the computer.
  • A. How long
  • B. How often
  • C. How much
  • D. How many
4.My computer is broken ______ I can't hand in my homework online.
  • A. or
  • B. and
  • C. but
  • D. so
5.My mum was proud of ____ as she got the turkey for a good price.
  • A. himself
  • B. herself
  • C. yourself
  • D. myself
6.My sister and I used to ____ to the cinema at weekends.
  • A. going
  • B. goes
  • C. went
  • D. go
7.—Hi, do you remember the mystery writer?
—Yes. Agatha Christie, she was ____ her very popular detective stories.
  • A. famous for
  • B. filled with
  • C. looking forward to
  • D. interested in
8.—What about your son Andy?
—He's a sweet, smart child, and he often ______ praise from his teachers.
  • A. will get
  • B. get
  • C. has got
  • D. gets
9.You        our goals if you study hard every day.
  • A. will achieve
  • B. achieve
  • C. achieved
  • D. have achieved
10.Since the first text message in 1992, texting ______ very popular.
  • A. become
  • B. has become
  • C. became
  • D. is becoming
11.Forty years ago, my grandparents ____ letters to their friends and family.
  • A. is writing
  • B. writes
  • C. have written
  • D. wrote
12.—Mary, could you tell me ____ the storybook?
—Oh, I bought it in the bookshop yesterday.
  • A. where did you buy
  • B. where will you buy
  • C. where you bought
  • D. where you will buy
13. Jenna looked at the calendar and sighed (叹气). Even though she looked forward to the new term, she would miss spending her long winter vacation (1)       . It was so satisfying to see how her drawings could bring life to her storytelling!
Unluckily, Jenna's parents didn't understand how much she wanted to be a comic illustrator (插画家). When she talked about her dream job with her parents , she (2)       them to support her. Instead, they explained that drawing comics was a hobby, not a career.
Jenna couldn't stop thinking about that unpleasant conversation, so she turned to her elder brother, James. She wanted her brother to (3)       her make their parents believe that drawing comics is an art form and that it can even be a great career.
But as she spoke, the look on her brother's face told her that he agreed with their parents. Jenna (4)       listened to her brother and then she walked back to her room quietly.
At school a few weeks later, Miss Bridwell noticed that Jenna wasn't herself. Jenna told Miss Bridwell that she was upset because her parents didn't (5)       her choice of becoming a comic illustrator.
Pointing to the bookshelf in the front of the room, Miss Bridwell began, "When I was probably about your age, my dad once said writing was not a career. I was (6)       with my dad. I simply told him the truth. I explained that I enjoyed writing, and that I wanted to get better and to write. I guess my honesty came through, and he believed me. "
Miss Bridwell's story (7)       Jenna a lot, so she decided to discuss her ideas with her parents again. It didn't happen immediately, but in the end, they came to understand that Jenna's (8)       of drawing comics was more important than whether itwas the career they wanted for Jenna.
15. Katy's Book Report
It was Monday afternoon. Pointing to the blackboard, Mr. Hayes reminded his students, "You should hand in your book report next Monday.
Katy said in a low voice, "I haven't started yet. "
Tom looked surprised, "I've already finished reading mine.
"We still have a whole week, " Katy said, "There's plenty of time. I will start reading it tonight right after the soccer practice.
But Katy was too tired to read after the soccer practice. " I'll start the book tomorrow, " she told herself.
Tuesday came. Katy watched TV for a few hours, and then worked on her coin collection until bedtime. "It's too late to read now, "Katy decided. "Tomorrow, I'll start it for sure. "
On Wednesday, Tom warned her not to leave things until the last minute. " It's not the last minute, " Katy told him. "I still have four whole days left. "
Unfortunately, she had to clean up her messy room first. Then, she was too tired to read. So Katy put off starting her book until Thursday.
Katy finally began reading her book on Thursday. It was so hard that she had read only a few pages by bedtime.
On Friday night, Katy gave up watching her favorite video, for she had to read her book. Then on Saturday morning, she went on reading it.
"At least I have the whole weekend , "she thought. However, she forgot her soccer game! So she lost several hours to read, which made her even more worried.
Katy read for the rest of Saturday, and she thought to herself, "I wish I'd started it earlier, like Tom!"
Katy finally finished reading her book on Sunday morning and stayed up writing her book report until midnight. She looked tired and nervous, thinking to herself, "I think this project has taught me an important lesson. "
16. Celebrating Chinese New Year in London
Dragon dances, acrobats ( 杂技), fireworks, a parade ( 庆祝游行). . . London is buzzing with excitement for Chinese New Year. Find out more about how people in London celebrate.
●The event
For London's Chinese community (and everyone else who loves a good party), Chinese New Year is a huge event. Before Chinese New Year, people make sure their houses are clean and tidy, buy new clothes and get a haircut to bring good luck for the New Year. Hundreds of thousands of people watch the parade, which stretches (延伸) from the West End to Trafalgar Square. It includes Chinese acrobats and traditional lion and dragon dances.
●The celebrations
In central London, there are fireworks and stage performances with all kinds of acts and special guests. Previous ( 以前的) celebrations have included fashion shows and Chinese hip-hop acts, as well as more traditional performances with Chinese acrobats. Chinatown is buzzing with excitement. The streets are decorated with lucky red lanterns and full of craft (工艺品) and food stalls. If you're thinking of eating in one of Chinatown's excellent Chinese restaurants, however, book a table early, because you won't find one on the night.
●Chinese people in Britain
For young Chinese people studying or working in the UK, web conferencing (视频聊天) is a good way to join family celebrations back home. Those who miss home might also cook dumplings for friends in Britain or organize an evening of karaoke, another popular way of celebrating. The festivities (欢庆) are not as noisy as back home, they say, where loud firecrackers are traditionally used to frighten away a terrible monster called the Nian. But there is still plenty of excitement , happiness and good feelings as people come together to enjoy the celebrations.
17. Erasing Memories
Can we forget bad memories? Someone might tell you that time is the only"medicine". But this might be not true.
Researchers at Canada's McGill University have tested a pill (药片) that can help you forget bad memories. They tested it on 60 people and found it to be successful.
All 60 people had experienced painful romantic relationships and wanted to forget them. In the study, they were asked to write about these bad memories. Then, they took a pill that is usually used to treat high blood pressure (血压). They then recalled their bad memories by reading what they wrote earlier. In the end, they talked about their feelings, saying that they were finally able to forget their bad experiences.
Dr Alain Brunet, who led the study , believes that the pill can ease (减轻, 缓解)the pain that bad memories bring. People can take it after bad things happen to them.
How did the pill do this? In fact, your memories change all the time. They're like text files (文件)on your computer. Every time you recall and"open"the files, you might happen to make some changes and"save" them. Researchers believe that the pill can stop proteins ( 蛋白质) in the brain from"re-saving"these memories. This means some details ( 细节) of the memory are lost.
However, there are some ethical (伦理的) worries about this treatment. Some people might use it to forget things that they should be learning from, such as when they committed a crime (犯罪). People are discussing which kinds of memories should be forgotten with this pill.
How do we form memories?
The part of our brain known as the hippocampus (海马体) is important for forming new memories. Scientists found it after studying a patient named Henry Molaison in the 1950s. After Molaison's hippocampus got hurt during an operation(手术), he couldn't store new memories. But he could remember memories from before the operation. This means long-term memories are stored outside the hippocampus. Scientists believe they are stored in the neocortex ( 新皮质), which controls attention and planning.
18. Get Your Food Online
Open an app, place your order, and wait for your food to be delivered to your home-this is how many people eat in China these days. According to the latest data ( 数据) from the China Internet Network Information Center, 421 million Chinese people use online food delivery services. That's equal to half of the total number of internet users in China.
Which group of people is ordering food online the most?Unsurprisingly, it's mainly young people. A recent report that was jointly (联合) published by the China Hospitality Association and Meituan, a food delivery service, showed that 86. 3 percent of the service's users are between 20 and 34 years old. These people, who are more likely ( 可能的) to live in small families, are the major force driving the development of the food delivery industry (行业).
Small families depend (依赖, 依靠) greatly on food delivery services. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, Chinese families have changed in size over the past few years. In 2002, only 7. 7 percent of families were single-person households.
But this number increased to 15. 6 percent in 2017. The percentage of two-person families rose from 18. 4 in 2002 to 27. 2 in 2017. For small families, cooking is relatively ( 相对) more time-and resource-consuming ( 耗时耗材), so ordering food online has become more popular.
The improvement of China's food delivery services has also attracted more customers. According to Meituan's report, the average time it takes to make a food delivery dropped from 38 minutes in 2016 to 29 minutes in 2019. Many delivery platforms are also offering more services, delivering products such as fruit, vegetables, medicine and flowers. As its services continue to improve, it's likely that the food delivery industry will keep growing.

1. How many people in China use online food delivery services?
2. Which age group uses food delivery services the most?
3. Have Chinese families changed in size over the past few years?
4. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
5. What other services are many delivery platforms offering?
假如你是李华,你们学校正在开展“关爱同学,问题解决”活动,倡议大家说出你在居家学习期间存在的某些问题,并能相互给出建议.你们班交换生Peter 也参加了此次活动.请你根据Peter 的问题,用英语回复一封邮件,告诉他你对此问题的看法,并分享你的一些建议.
提示词语: common, in low spirit, unhealthy, take breath, talk about
提示问题:●What is your opinion on the problem?
●What suggestions do you give Peter?
DearI find it hard to control my bad moods these days. I had them a lot. I try but I can't seem to cheer myself up. Do you have any advice?

Dear Peter ,I'm sorry to hear about your problem.      .If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.
Yours,Li Hua 
提示词语: self-disciplined (自律的),plan, goal, habit, improve
●What did you do to be self-disciplined?
●What benefits (好处) have you got from doing so?
Self-discipline plays an important role in our life, especially when I study at home.      
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