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1.This is        electronic dictionary. You can use it if necessary.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.Annie can dance very well. It seems that she was born       a great talent.
  • A. in
  • B. of
  • C. with
  • D. for
3.— Do you like talking with your friends on the phone or QQ?
       . I enjoy using WeChat (微信).
  • A. Neither
  • B. Both
  • C. Either
4.I can't remember when        Mr. Smith came to our city. I only remember it was a cold morning.
  • A. probably
  • B. exactly
  • C. possibly
  • D. mostly
5.______ good advice you've given to me! It's really helpful!
  • A. What
  • B. What a
  • C. How
  • D. How a
6.Tom is ______ than her sister, so he often makes more mistakes in his homework.
  • A. more careful
  • B. less careful
  • C. the most careful
  • D. the least careful
7.Dad promised to buy me a new bike if I got good grades. And he        his words.
  • A. dealt with
  • B. ran after
  • C. connected with
  • D. stuck to
8.The        of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital.
  • A. purpose
  • B. culture
  • C. sign
9.Cindy _______ up late, but now she goes to bed early.
  • A. used to staying
  • B. used to stay
  • C. was used to stay
  • D. is used to staying
10.—I didn't see Gina yesterday.
       I know, she has gone to Shanghai.
  • A. As well as
  • B. As soon as
  • C. As far as
  • D. As long as
11. Anger is one of the most common human emotions. Have you ever made it through a whole day (1)       getting angry at something or someone? Probably not and that's normal.
Just like other emotions such as (2)       and sadness, there are many different levels and types of anger. "I'm so angry that I didn't (3)       the math problem in the test" is different from"I'm so angry with my friend because she failed me".
Each of us (4)       our anger in our own ways. Sometimes we (5)       it in a way that seems good in the moment, but it may cause more problems. Sometimes we (6)       keep our anger (7)       because we don't want to make trouble. But that just seems to make us feel worse.
(8)       if we try to let out our anger in a better way, it's a chance to get to know more about ourselves and (9)       our relationship with other people. "Just go into your room and lie down and think about it. " "Get (10)       from a doctor or a close family member. " "Listen to music or paint. ""Count to ten and then let out a deep breath. " These ideas may do good to you.
12. Alexander McCall Smith was raised in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and moved to Scotland at age 18 to study at the University of Edinburgh. He received a law degree in 1971 and then returned to Africa, where he helped to build the law school at the University of Botswana.
In 1976 McCall Smith published (出版) his first fiction, a children's novel. He went on to write more children's books, many of which are set in Africa. Children of Wax: African Folk Tales (1989), a collection aimed at both children and adults, is formed by the stories he collected in Zimbabwe.
He also wrote radio plays and short stories, and it was from one of the latter (后者)that the novel The No. I Ladies' Detective Agency came out. First published in Great Britain in 1998, it sold slowly at first, and it did rot appear in the United States until 2002, after McCall Smith had already published two more books centered on Mma Ramotswe. It then became an international best seller. Mma Ramotswe, a kind and cheerful woman of traditional build, likes to help people. She is the founder of Botswana's first and only female﹣run detective agency. Her methods may not be traditional, but she's got warmth and wit (机智)on her side. That's the side the writer sees in the people of Botswana.
13. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I am SUPER good at video games. I'll bet I could beat anyone in my grade head-to-head.
Unfortunately, Dad does not exactly appreciate my , skills. He's always getting on me about going out and doing something"active".
So tonight after dinner when Dad started hassling me about going outside, 1 tried to explain how with video games, you can play sports like football and soccer, and you don't even get all hot and sweaty (流汗).
But as usual, Dad didn't see my logic (逻辑).
Dad is a pretty smart guy in general but when it comes to common sense sometimes I wonder about him. Every time Dad kicks me out of the house to do something sporty, I just go up to Rowley's and play my video games there.
Unfortunately, the only games I can play at Rowley's are car-racing games and stuff like that. Because whenever I bring a game up to Rowley's house, his dad looks it up on some parents website. And if my game has ANY kind of fighting or violence (暴力) in it he won't let us play.
I'm getting a little sick of playing Formula One Racing with Rowley, because he's not a serious gamer like me. All that you have to do to beat Rowley is name your car something ridiculous at the beginning of the game.
And then when you pass Rowley's car, he just falls to pieces.
Anyway, after I got done sweeping the floor with Rowley today, I headed home. I ran. through the neighbor's sprinkler(喷水器) a couple of times to make it look like I was all sweaty, and that seemed to do the trick for Dad. But my trick kind of failed, because as soon as Mom saw me, she made me go upstairs and take a shower.
14.The Aztecs made a special drink from cacao (可可) beans. They mixed cacao with vanilla, black pepper and honey. Then they poured the drink from height so it had foam (泡沫). The drink wasn't very sweet and the Aztecs called it Cacahuatl. Only the king and the nobles drank Cacahuatl. Some rich people drank it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was said that the Aztec king Moctezuma II drank 50 cups of Cacahuatl a day. Some people were even buried with it so that they could take it with them to the"next world".
When Hernan Cortes came to Mexico, Moctezuma gave him a golden cup full of this valuable drink. Hernan Cortes took three boxes of cacao beans back to Spain with him in 1528. At first, nobody liked the strange drink. Someone added sugar to the cacao beans so that it didn't taste bitter anymore, and this drink became popular. The Spaniards tried to keep the recipe secret, but slowly it spread across Europe.
By the 1700s, there were chocolate shops in many European cities. Chocolate was very expensive. Only rich people could afford it. In the early 1800s, a doctor in England invented a new chocolate recipe. Hc added milk instead of water to the mixture of sugar and cacao. Children started drinking hot chocolate and it became even more popular.
The next step in the transformation of the cacao bean happened in Holland. In 1828, Conrad van Houten made cocoa butter and coco powder(粉) from the beans. This was the start of solid chocolate. With this new method, a company called Fry's of England made the first chocolate bar in 1347. Then in 1876, the Swiss company Nestle a made the first milk chocolate bar. At first, chocolate bars were very expensive, but then in 1894, Hershey's made the first cheap chocolate bar. Other chocolate company did the same, and soon common people were buying chocolate in stores all over the world.

15. Overwork is one of the main reasons why so many students feel tired and stressed. (1)      
Cut down some of the jobs you need to do each day so that you can only focus on the most important things. (2)       This might mean reading a good book, listening to the music, going for a walk or taking a bath.
(3)       Getting enough sleep will help you keep your body and mind in the best form. If you stay up late and need to get up early for school the next day, you may not be able to concentrate on the things you need to do.
Get to know pleasant people. Some people are optimistic (乐观), while others not. Choose optimistic people as your friends and spend more time with them. (4)        
Have a happy attitude (态度) . Your attitude decides the way you see things. (5)       Learn to think more positively (积极地) about the difficulties you face.
A. You'll be as happy as they are.
B. Leave time for activities that are relaxing and fun.
C. There are some ways for you to learn to relax.
D. Get a good night's sleep.
E. Is your cup half full or half empty?
F. You can never solve your problems. 
16.Ma Baoguo is a traditional martial arts (武术) practitioner who considers (1)            (he) as a "master of Hunyuan tai chi". But when his skills (2)            (test) in May, he was knocked out three times by a common fighter.
His popularity has risen after that failure as he gave a short (3)             (演讲) online and some of his words were picked out and spread on social networks and he has become something of a social media sensation (轰动). "
"If it's just a performance, no one has to pay (4)            (特别的) attention to it, " wrote the People's Daily's writer, "But when it becomes a phenomenon (现象) and is often discussed in public, it's necessary (5)            (exam) what's behind it." "Ma is far from being a traditional martial arts 'master'. (6)            , he is harming traditional martial arts and he is a liar."
"Some said this is not a problem (7)             people can tell what kind of person Ma is and just treat him like a clown. But it is a problem because others try to make money from it. Besides, young people who are not (8)            (明智的) enough to tell right from wrong might really regard Ma (9)             a 'master'. That's something we must pay attention to."
"It would be better for Ma to stop his wrong doings, and better for those behind him to give up. The social network platforms that have allowed all this to happen in the public eye should stop providing a stage on which Ma can perform. There must be stricter rules to prevent (10)            (情况) like Ma's from happening again."
17."Just because you can't see something, that doesn't mean it's not there. "This old saying is quite meaningful for British sculptor (雕刻家) Willard. The items he creates are so small that most of them fit on the head of a pin. You can see them clearly only through a microscope (显微镜).
Many people want to own his art pieces. He's been honoured by the Queen of England for his great art achievements. At every one of his exhibitions, the question is always the same. How does he do it?
The answer is very, very carefully. So carefully in fact, that he actually slows his breathing down and works in between breaths. Willard usually works under a microscope using special tools that he creates. To paint his works, he uses the hair from a fly as a paintbrush.
Creating these detailed works is a very long and difficult process, and it isn't always enjoyable. "It is a terrible dream when I start but a nice dream when I finish, "he says. A single item can take at least several weeks to complete.
People have asked Willard why he chose to do something that needed effort and took time. His interest in creating small things began when he was five. He started creating houses and playgrounds for ants. Willard was not a strong student. He had difficulty in reading and spelling words. Some kids used to call him a loser. This made him feel small, so focusing on little things helped him to feel big. The smaller his work got, the bigger he felt. A newspaper reporter said, "Willard has shown the world that he is special. Though his works are very small, he is great. "
(1)What docs Willard use to paint his works? 
(3)Why did Willard choose to do something that needed effort and took time?
(4)When would Willard like to work?  
18.Post-It Notes were invented by accident. The man behind Post-It notes was Spencer Silver. According to the former Vice President of Technical Operations for 3M Geoff Nicholson (now retired), in 1968, Silver was working at 3M trying to create especially strong adhesives (粘合剂) for use in the aerospace industry in building planes. Instead of a super strong adhesive, though, he accidentally managed to create a weak, pressure sensitive adhesive :thing. This adhesive did not interest 3M management as it was seen as too weak to be useful. It did have two interesting features, though. The first is that, when stuck to: a surface; it can be taken away without leaving any residue (残留物). The second big feature is that the adhesive is re-usable. Despite these two great features, no one, not even Silver himself, could think up a good marketable use for it.
Finally, in 1973, when Geoff Nicholson became products Jaboratory manager at 3M, Silver came to him with the adhesive and :gave him samples to play with Silver also suggested what he saw as his best idea for what to use the adhesive for, making a board with the adhesive sprayed on it. One could then stick pieces of paper to the board without tacks, tape, or the like. The paper could be easily peeled away without any residue.
After years in development, they were finally a hit and have since become important in offices the world over, today being one of the top five best selling office products in the world.
Another interesting thing about Post-It notes is about the color. Ever wonder why the standard color for Post-It notes is yellow? It turns out this was kind of an accident as well. The official story from some at 3M is that it was because it created a "good emotional (情感) connection with users" and that it would "contrast (对比) well stuck to white paper". However, according to Geoff Nicholson there was no such thought. The real reason Post-It notes were yellow was simply because the lab next door to where they were working on the Post-It notes had some yellow paper — that's why they were yellow; and when we went back and said 'hey guys, you got any more yellow paper?'they said you want any more go buy it yourself, and that's what we did, and that's why they were yellow. It was another one of those unexpected accidents. It was not thought out; nobody said they'd better be yellow rather than white because they would blend in — it was a complete accident."
(1)Who were Post-It notes invented by?  
(2)选出找出划线单词"hit"意思, 并将字母代号填入到横线处.   
A. 热销
B. 击打
C. 伤害
(3)根据短文内容回答问题. Why are the Post-It notes yellow? 
(4)找到与"People can simply take away the paper, leaving no marks on the board. "意思相同或相近的句子 
(5)The passage is mainly about  
20.他更喜欢可以跟着唱的音乐. (prefer) 
21.青少年太年轻了, 不能自己做决定。 (too... to...)  
22.你能告诉我乐队什么时候开始表演吗? ( when)  
23.你可以通过大声读来练习发音. (by)  
24.习近平主席在二O二一年新年贺词中, 谈到了"艰难方显勇毅(Only in hard times can courage and perseverance be shown)". 作为九年级的学生, 你要参加近期学校组织的以"Only in hard times can courage and perseverance be shown"为主题的英语演讲比赛. 请你结合此句话的深刻含义, 谈谈自身的一段经历以及个人感受.
写一篇80﹣100词的英语演讲稿. 内容要求包括:
要求: 1. 文章涵盖所给要点, 可适当拓展:
2. 词数80﹣100 (开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
3. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名.
Only in hard times can courage and perseverance be shown
Good morning, everyone! It's my honor to be here to speak in front of you.
That's all. Thanks for listening.
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