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  • A. In Indian, for exam(ple) , scientists ma(de) robots that look li(ke) snakes.
  • B. One day, a man walked into a sho(p) an(d) saw a cu(te) little dog.
  • C. He ask(ed) the boy besi(de) the dog, "Does your do(g) bite?"
2.On rainy days, Mr. Stem usually takes ______ umbrella and walks to ______ university he works.
  • A. an; the
  • B. an; an
  • C. the; an
3.—What's your prediction about the future?
—I think we'll have ______ cities but ______ fresh water.
4.—______ pieces of advice can you give us, Dr Wang?
—Oh, I have three.
  • A. How much
  • B. How often
  • C. How many
5.______ you visit Mount Meng yourself, you won't know how beautiful it is!
  • A. Although
  • B. If
  • C. Unless
6.Do you think ______ a turkey for dinner when Thanksgiving comes?
  • A. there is going to be
  • B. it is going to be
  • C. there is going to have
7.—Why does Linda disagree with me ?
—I don't know. You'll have to ______ the reason yourself.
  • A. find out
  • B. bring out
  • C. come out
  • D. go out
8.I look forward to ______ more about Civil Code (民法典). I believe there must be ______ for many people.
9.—May I watch TV, Dad?
—When you finish your homework, you ______.
10.—Can you come to my party next Sunday, Jim?
—______, but I have to help my parents.
A. exciting B. make C. things D. up E. if F. but 

Dear Miss Lee ,
  Next Friday is my 15th birthday and I'm ready to plan my birthday party. I spent a lot of time planning my party to (1)       it interesting. I think about having a "Remember the Good Times" party. Everyone who is coming is going to graduate (毕业) soon. I think I should put (2)       some photos of my friends and pictures from popular television shows on the wall. We will play some games. I think that will be really (3)      . The food could be the (4)       we always love (hamburgers, ice creams and French fries). I don't know (5)       my idea is going to be good for my birthday party.
  What do you think, Miss Lee?
A. to remember B. yourselves C. more D. during E. you F. like 

Hi, Ted,
  I love the idea of the "Remember the Good Times" party. It sounds (6)       a graduation party. I love the idea of eating your favorite foods! It's easy and cheap! But how about making some food by (7)      ? I think that will be (8)       fun. You can bring photos of your class trip (9)      the places where you went. I still remember we had a great time (10)       the trip. If I am free that day, I'm sure I will come and enjoy the party. I hope you will have a wonderful birthday party!
Miss Lee
12.  You must know Singles' Day (Nov. 11th) in China. Many people, probably even your parents stay up late that night. They go shopping online to get big discounts (折扣). Well, the US has something like it called Black Friday.
  Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving. It fell on November 27th this year. It is one of the biggest shopping days in the US. Stores offer deep discounts, but they have a limited number of items. People want to start shopping for Christmas gifts, so they go shopping on this day to save money.
  It's called Black Friday because shops used to record (记录) sales with black ink. So when there was a lot of black ink on the page, it meant the shop sold a lot. Shopping on Black Friday takes place at actual (实体的) stores. It is different from Singles' Day. Starting around 4 a.m., thousands of people crowd outside of stores and malls. They stand in line for hours.
  When the doors open, they rush to the shelves. Sometimes they fight over things because there were only a few left. Televisions and computers are some of people's favorite things to buy.

根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正误。正确的用"A"表示, 不正确的用"B"表示。
1. People stay up late on Singles' Day to celebrate the holiday.      
2. People in the US have Black Friday on November 27th every year.      
3. People call the holiday Black Friday because shops used to record sales with black ink.      
4. People in the US usually shop on the Internet on Black Friday.      
5. Computers are sold very fast on Black Friday.      
13.  Do you feel uncomfortable if you can't touch your Ipad or computer for a day? Do you often spend over two hours on the Internet each time only to play games or search the Internet? Do you know what it is? It is called Internet addiction (瘾). According to experts, the people with Internet addictions spend nearly thirty to forty hours online every week. They lose control (控制) of the time on the Internet.
  A study shows that about six to ten percent of Internet users become addicted. The teenagers spend more time on the Internet than with friends and family. That's why some experts worry most about young people. It is too difficult for the teenagers to keep away from the Internet. If they have one of the following symptoms, they should be more careful.
★Go out with the friends less and less.
★They can't wait to get online again.
★They decide to spend a short time online, but then spend more.
  How can we help the teenagers to solve this problem? Some experts advise that parents should limit (限制) their children's time for Internet use. If children can't do it, their parents can use some apps or tools (工具) on the computer to limit. Talking with them more and reading some interesting books with them can also help the teenagers.
14.  You don't have to feel terrible all the time on school days. Your school days can be some of your happiest time! Yes, it is possible. Let me tell you what you should do.
  On every weekend, take a piece of paper and write down the title "My Schedule (计划)". Under it, you write the days of the week. Next to the days you can write what you should do. (1)      .
  (2)       Also, try to answer the questions in class and talk about your ideas. You will be someone interesting for the teachers and someone special for your classmates.
  Try to make friends with your classmates. If they don't like to make friends with you, it's fine. (3)      
  If you want to do something or you feel bad these days, you can discuss it with the friends you trust. (4)       It is very helpful to have friends who can reach for your hand and touch your heart.
  Invite your friends to your home or ask them if they'd like to hang out with you. (5)      You could give them ideas and they may have helpful thoughts that would help both of you.

根据对话内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确。
A. I'm sure they will give you good advice.
B. You should give yourself enough time for study and some time for activities you like to do.
C. In class, you have to listen to the teachers carefully.
D. Other times, do homework with them in the same time or place.
E. Notice if there is someone whom you feel you can be friends with.
F. They will get unhappy. 
15.Nancy felt upset when she didn't get the              (invite) to Millie's house warming.
16.American people often makes some              ( sandwich) for their children as breakfast on weekdays.
17.The heavy snow made it             (impossible) for me to make a big snowman.
18.My brother Sam is going to the concert this evening because his favorite              (piano) Lang Lang will have a performance.
19.If people have problems, they shouldn't keep them to              (they).
20.On Nov. 24th, 2020, scientists in China were             (success) to send Chang'e 5 to the moon.
21.To get good grades, you'd better not make              (care) mistakes in the exam.
22.Of all the restaurants in town, the Blue Sky has the              (bad) service.
23.  Once, somebody asked a great man, "How did you make your dreams come true?"
  The man (1)             (answer), "I grow great by dreams. I do what I want to do. I go to bed and think about my dreams. And when I wake up the next morning, I see a way (2)             (make) my dream come true. When other people (3)             (say) 'I can't do that. It's impossible.' I'm on the way to catch what I want. Unless I work hard, my dream (4)             ( not come) true. "
  That's how great people succeed. They see things in the soft wind of a spring day, or in the red fire on a long winter evening. Some of us let these dreams (5)             (die). They only hope (6)             (get) help from others. But other people protect their dreams and work hard for them. And they hardly ever think of who (7)             (help) them to solve the problems.
  So don't tell yourself that your dreams are impossible. Sing your songs, dream your dreams and hope your hope.
24.根据对话内容, 在每个标有题号的空白处填入一个适当的句子, 使对话完整, 合乎情景。
Jeff: Excuse me, Alice! I'm planning a class party tomorrow. Can you come to the party?
Alice: (1)      . I have to study for the math test the day after tomorrow.
Jeff: Oh yes, I forget it. (2)      ?
Alice: Sounds good. If we have it this Saturday , all students will come.
Jeff: What will we do at the party?
Alice: We will play games and drink some banana milk shakes.
Jeff: (3)      ?
Alice: Well, first, peel the bananas and cut them up.
Jeff: (4)      ?
Alice: We need three bananas. Then, put the bananas and yogurt in the blender and turn on the blender. And we will get the delicious banana milk shake.
Jeff: That's wonderful! I'll come to help. Will we invite the teachers to the party?
Alice: (5)      . I think they will be happy to come.
Jeff: Good idea. If we do that, everyone will be happy.
25.电影《我和我的家乡》于2020年10月上映后, 受到了大家的喜爱。 该片讲述了我国不同地域的美丽家乡以及人们为了家乡建设奋斗拼搏的故事。 作为一名中学生, 你的理想家乡是什么样子?你的理想是什么?为了家乡的未来建设你会做什么?请以"My hometown in ten years"为题写一篇短文。
1. 书写规范, 语句通顺,语法正确。
2 . 要点全面, 内容充实, 构思合理。 可适当发挥。 不少于80词。
3 . 不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其它相关信息。
My Hometown in Ten years
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