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1.—Is your uncle a teacher or ______ engineer?
— Neither. He is a pianist.
  • A. a
  • B. the
  • C. an
  • D. /
2.—Can you ______ a banana milk shake, Lamy?
—Sorry, I can't.
  • A. do
  • B. cook
  • C. make
  • D. eat
3.—______ salt do we need?
—Two teaspoons.
  • A. How much
  • B. How many
  • C. How long
  • D. How often
4.Your______ is very helpful, I'll take it.
  • A. promise
  • B. information
  • C. advice
  • D. preparation
5.—The novel seems a little boring.
—You won't enjoy it ______ you put your heart into it.
  • A. when
  • B. if
  • C. after
  • D. unless
6.—Hello! I need a pair of shoes.
—The shoes here are all very cheap. And the blue pair is ______. Do you want to try it on?
  • A. cheap
  • B. cheaper
  • C. cheapest
  • D. the cheapest
7.—I didn't find the way to the post office.
—______ I told you about it this morning.
  • A. Why not?
  • B. Sorry.
  • C. Not really.
  • D. How come?
8.—Which of these two shirts will you take?
—I'll take ______, to give me a change sometimes.
  • A. all
  • B. both
  • C. either
  • D. neither
9.—I'm leaving for the competition, Mom. Bye-bye.
—Well, Tom. Make sure you get ______ ready.
  • A. everything
  • B. nothing
  • C. something
  • D. anything
10.—How did you like Emma's party?
—It was ______. Everyone had a good time.
  • A. educational
  • B. meaningless
  • C. successful
  • D. necessary
11.Did you ______ what was going on with your brother?
  • A. find out
  • B. look out
  • C. give out
  • D. put out
12.—Hey. Mike! Don't you remember me?
—You are Paul? Oh. I can't see you _______ without glasses.
  • A. carefully
  • B. seriously
  • C. beautifully
  • D. clearly
13.—Tom wants to know if you will have a picnic tomorrow.
—Yes. But if it ______, we'll play chess instead.
  • A. will rain
  • B. rained
  • C. is raining
  • D. rains
14.—The little boy is only three years old, but he can play the piano with Langlang well.
—______ talented boy he is!
  • A. How
  • B. How a
  • C. What
  • D. What a
15.—Would you please see the film A Little Red Flower with me tonight, Kate?
—I'd love to, but ______.
  • A. I accepted Lily's invitation
  • B. I'll look forward to seeing it
  • C. I was not available last night
  • D. I'll bring it here tomorrow
16.  Once upon a time, there lived a wise man. Everyone spoke highly of him. (1)      , his son was very lazy and did nothing all day. The man was (2)       about his son's future. One day, he said to his son (3)      , "I want you to go to find some treasure (宝藏). I have drawn a (4)       to guide you." Then he handed his son a bag. Inside the bag were clothes, some food, (5)       money and the map.
  The son left home the next day. He had to travel across forests, rivers and mountains. Along the way, he met a lot of (6)       people. Some of them helped him out with food and by some with shelter (住所). He also came across robbers (强盗) who tried to rob him. He saw landscapes and (7)       different kinds of seasons. Finally, after a long year, he (8)       the place where the treasure might be. He spent two days looking and (9)       for the treasure, but found (10)      . So he was every disappointed and decided to return home. On his way back, he saw the same landscapes and had the four seasons once more. But he was able to (11)       time by the position (位置) of the sun and protect (12)       from wild animals. He met the (13)       people who had helped him earlier. This time, he tied to help them during his short stay to thank them for their kindness.
  When he got home, he said to his father (14)       not finding the treasure. "My son, There was not any treasure in that place," the father answered with a (15)      . " Suffering (苦难) is the treasure of life. You experienced it and I think you've got the treasure."
17.Kim: Hello, Ann. The exam is over. What are you going to do tomorrow?
Ann: (1)       What about you, Kim?
Kim: I'm going to the Science Museum.
Ann: Why do you want to go there?
Kim: There's a robot exhibition (展览). Some human — like robots are on show.
Ann: (2)      .
Kim: Would you like to go with me?
Ann: Sure, I'd love to.
Kim: Great! (3)      .
Ann: Yes. Can I take a camera with me. Kim?
Kim: (4)       People can't take photos in the museum
Ann: Oh, I got it. When shall we meet?
Kim: At 9:00 a. m.. Is that OK for you?
Ann: No problem. Let's meet at the gate of the museum then!
Kim: (5)      
18.  Guo Huili, a 13-year-old girl from Shandong, began her first day of online classes on Feb. 10th. On the first day of online learning, her teacher taught her how to study well online.
  Guo takes online classes from Monday to Friday and she doesn't have any classes on the weekend. Her first class begins at 8:10, but she wants to read some Chinese or English books before that, so she usually gets up at 7:00 in the morning just like what she does in the school.
  She has three online classes each day, Chinese, English and math. Each class only lasts for 30 minutes. She doesn't have much homework from her teacher, so she can finish her homework in a short time. "I have more free time . I can do more things I like."says Guo. "For example, I help my parents do some housework . I even cook for my family when my mum comes home late." She can't go out , but she can do some indoor exercises or play some games with her parents.
  When many students are complaining (抱怨), Guo enjoys every moment taking classes online and staying at home with her parents. And she wins the first prize in the final exam.
One-day Trip
On January 25th, we'll have a trip around the city. Here's a brief introduction about the three places we will visit.
Daming Lake
The lake, with a history of over 1,400 years, is fed by waters from many springs. You can see beautiful lotuses (荷花) and willows (柳树) around the lake. You can take a trip by boat or take a walk around the lake. It's very relaxing. 

Baotu Spring
Jinan is known as "the City of Springs". It has over 100 springs, 72 of which are famous. Baotu Spring is the best of the 72 springs. In the park, you can drink the sweet spring water, watch the spring and enjoy the local opera (地方戏) like Liuzi Oprea. It opens at 7:00 a. m. The price of the ticket is ¥ 40 for one person. 
Qianfo Mountain
Qianfo Mountain is 285 meters high, so it's east for you to climb to the top. And you can overlook (俯视) beautiful Jinan from the top. Trees are everywhere. Many people love to play sports in the morning there. It's free from 5:00 a. m to 6:30 a. m. If you come after 6:30 a. m. , you need to pay for ¥ 30 for the ticket. 
20.  People of different ages from around the UK emailed us about their sleeping habits:
  I have a strange habit of falling asleep when I watch the television and it usually happens when I am watching something I am really interested in!The television seems to hypnotise (催眠) me and I doze off (打盹) really easily. Then when I go up stairs to bed I find I can't sleep and I usually listen to the radio for hours and hours during the night.
—Philip, aged 64
  I have an eight-month-old baby and a 3-year-old son so I don't get much sleep at the moment. In fact, I can't remember the last time I had a whole night's sleep. Last night I think I had about 5 hours, as the baby woke up three times. I work during the day and it can be difficult to stay awake when I haven't slept much.
—Clare, aged 35
  I share a room with my older brother. He snores (打鼾)! It's really terrible.
—Clyde, aged16
  I read in the paper the other day that most children in Britain don't sleep enough. They watch TV until late in the evening and then they are really tired at school. I'm a teacher and sometimes in the classes after lunch the students look as if they are about to fall asleep. They yawn (打呵欠) a lot and look quite tired!Some people say that maybe school should start later for teenagers. I think they might be right.
—Jag, aged 29
21.  Grace knew she needed to talk to her teacher, Mrs. Wilson. She was having trouble in class, and it was mostly because she kept forgetting things. After class, Grace waited until everyone left and then walked close to Mrs. Wilson's desk.
  "I know I did really badly on the exam today." Grace began, "I could have done a lot better."
  "What do you think happened?"Mrs. Wilson asked. She wanted to get Grace's opinion.
  "I think it's because I keep forgetting things. I forgot we were having an exam today, so I didn't think about studying like I usually do. That happens to me a lot because I do a lot of things. Keeping everything organized is really hard for me."
  "What other things do you do?" Mrs. Wilson wanted to know.
  "Well, there's school, and I take piano lessons, so I have to practice the piano every day. I also write articles for the school newspaper. And I want to have fun with my friends, too."
  "It sounds like you're busy, but that doesn't mean you can't get organized. What you need to do is to manage your time better," Mrs. Wilson said.
  "That's what my parents tell me , too," Grace said with a sight (叹气).
  "Well, they're right," Mrs. Wilson said. "And you can get organized by getting a calendar. If you get a larger calendar, you can write down everything you need to do. Then every day, you can check your calendar to see what's on your schedule."
  Grace was beginning to get the idea. "And I can write my assignments and tests on my calendar, too. so I don't forget to study!"
  "Exactly!" Mrs. Wilson said. "If you know you have an exam in a week, you can begin studying a little each day. That way, you'll be prepared for the exam , but you'll still have time for other things!"
  "Thanks, Mrs. Wilson, "Grace smiled. "I guess I should take action (采取行动) now."
feel choose work make live 

  Shanghai, "Hu" for short, is one of the largest cities in the world. It's in the east of China.
  But many years ago, Shanghai was a small village. Only a few thousand people (1)             here. Many people were fishermen and farmers . There were no tall buildings or traffic.
  Nowadays Shanghai is an international city. Many people from different places and countries (2)             for business (生意)here. And Shanghai is a nice place for shopping. Nobody (3)             bored if he walks on the shopping streets. such as Naning Road . Shanghai is a popular city because of its famous landmarks , such as the Oriental pearl TV Tower and Xintiandi. Shanghai (4)             more and more travelers fall in love with it. Traveling in Shanghai is very convenient (方便的) because there are many different kinds of public transport (5)            . Of course , tasty local snacks are another important reason for them.
23.  Most people have goals and hopes. (1)       A student's goal, for example, might be to pass the tests, go to university, and then get a good job. (2)      . A businessman's goal is usually to make a lot of money.
  (3)       Some people just want to be good people, have a family, or help others.
  Tracy's goal is to be a pianist. She is very serious about it and practices every day with her best friend Lily.
  (4)       He writes the sports reports for his class newspaper. He likes most sports, but swimming and football are his favorites.
  Like Trace and Ben, Harry also has his great goal and tries to do something for it. (5)       One day he wants to be an astronaut. The next day he wants to be a pop singer. And another day he wants to drive a racing car. His mother would be happy if his goal was to get up in time for school every day!
A.Ben's goal is to be a sports writer.
B.And he's very serious about his future plan.
C.But his goal changes every day!
D.Not all goals are about success at work, however.
E.A goal is something we want to do, want to be, or want to have.
F.In fact, different people may have similar life goal.
G.A sports player's goal could be to win an important competition. 

24.A:What does your brother usually do at night?
B:      .
B: I'm going to climb the mountain with my friends tomorrow.
B: Tom and Peter play soccer twice a week.
27.A: What does Henry want to be when he grows up?
B:       .
28.Karen and Ben are running in the yard. (根据图画和上句用比较级写一句话)
29.每个人心中都有一个自己的喜欢的地方它可能是你自己的房间、你的学校、你的家乡, 或着是你曾去过或一直想去的地方,请以 "The Best Place I Like Best" 为题, 根据以下要点和要求用英语了一篇短文。
1. 你最喜欢的地方是哪里;
2. 你为我么喜欢它。
要求:1. 词数80—100词;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使短文连贯, 通顺;
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
期末试卷 最新试卷 山东试卷 济南市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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