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1.  Hello, I (1)       Li Na. I (2)       a notebook in the school. It is (3)       English notebook. It is yellow, and on the cover (封面) (4)       a picture of a pen. On the cover, I only found a (5)       name — Kunlun in Chinese. And in the notebook, (6)       found a QQ name — ANSWER ME. Now, it is (7)      the lost and found case. You (8)       a yellow notebook? Is your name Kunlun, and is (9)       QQ name ANSWER ME?If so (如果是), please (10)      me at 010-4466628.
2.  Hello, my name is Li Chenghao. Welcome to my home!This is my grandpa. (1)       name is Li Chunqiang. He is a woodworker(木工). Oh, my father Li Hongi is a woodworker, (2)      . But he is not at home now.
  There is a red box on the desk. (3)       my new schoolbag. My grandpa makes (制作) it for me. This morning I can't (4)       my schoolbag. "(5)       my schoolbag?My (6)       and my pencil box are in it," I ask .
  "Your (7)       is not nice. I put it under your bed. But your books (8)       your pencil box are here. They are (9)       the red box. It is your new schoolbag now. "Grandpa says.
  "Wow, it's so nice. I like it. Grandpa, (10)       you very much." I say.
3.  Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Felice! Everything here is cheap and delicious. Let's have a look. For breakfast, you can have porridge, eggs and milk. For lunch and dinner, you can have rice and different kinds of dumplings. There are also some drinks for you. Come and have a meal, please. It's a good place to enjoy yourself.
  Breakfast:porridge ($2. 00), egg ($ 1. 00), milk ($1. 50)
  Lunch and dinner:rice ($ 1. 00), potato and cabbage dumplings ($6. 00), mutton dumplings ($10. 00), egg and shrimp (虾) dumplings ($8. 00)
  Drinks: green tea ($2. 00), ice tea ($3. 00), orange juice($4. 00), milk tea($6. 00)
  Business hours (营业时间): Monday — Friday (6:30 a. m. — 9:30 p. m. ); Saturday — Sunday (7:00am. — 10:00 p. m. )
4.  Peppa and George are sister and brother. Their room is untidy, a yellow toy box is in the room, but toys are not init. They are everywhere on the floor. Look!The clock is on the floor, too. It's white.
  "Come on. Tidy up the room," Dad says. "I can help George and Mom can help Peppa." "We can have a race (比赛)," Peppa says.
  "OK," Dad says. "See who can tidy up first."
  Peppa puts four books in the green bookcase. Mom puts some toys into the toy box. Dad puts the clock on the desk aud Cieorge helps tidy up the room, too.
  Who wins the race? They all win. Look at the tidy room!
5.配对阅读. 左栏是五个人的情况简介, 右栏是七个人对他们朋友的描述, 请将人物与之相符的描述匹配.
(1) Jack's favorite sport is basketball. He plays basketball after school every day.
(2) Amy likes green very much. Her bag is green; too.
(3) Sam doesn't like cold weather(天气). Now he's in Haikou, China. He goes swimming every day.
(4) Kate is from the UK. She's now in Guangzhou, She's astudent of Grade (年级)7.
(5) Henry is from Cambridge. His favorite teacher is Miss Jiang, his Chinese teacher. 
A. My friend likes green, and her bag is like my bag. They're big and green. I often take her bag by mistake(错误地).
B. She is from the UK. She's not in my class, She's in Class 7, Grade 8. But we're good friends. Our favorite color is blue.
C. He is my new friend. His last name is White. His favorite sport is football. We play soccer after school on Friday.
D. My friend's favorite sport is swimming. The weather here in our city is hot(热的)in winter (冬天), we go swimming every day.
E. My friend likes his Chinese teacher very much, and he is from Cambridge.
F. My friend is in a big city in China now. She's twelve years old and she's in Class 5, Grade 7. She likes playing basketball.
G. My friend's last name is Smith. He likes playing basketball. I like it, too. We often play after school. 
6.  Hi!My first name is Lisa, and my (1)       name is Green. I am 13. There are (2)       people in my family. They are my parents, my brother and I. I also have a cousin. He is my uncle's (3)      . We are good (4)      . We (5)       ping-pong every day. We like (6)       very much.
  I (7)       a bedroom (卧室). A computer and a CD player are (8)      the desk. The bookcase is near the door and my books are in it. I (9)       sports very much, so the books are about (10)      . I like football and baseball.
  This is my room. You can see a nice bed, a desk and a chair in it. My notebook and MP4 player are on my bed. On the desk, you can see a dictionary and a pencil box. What's under the chair?It's a model plane. But it's not mine. It's my friend Jim's. Jack
  This is my bedroom. My keys are on the sofa. My schoolbag is under the chair. My red quit is on the bed. My books and some tapes are in the bookcase. Where is my ID card?Oh, it's in my schoolbag.
  Hi, everyone! Look at my bedroom. My bed is very cute. My desk and chair are near the bed. On my desk, you can see a pencil box and an English dictionary. A computer and some books are on it, too. All the things are pink, because I like pink best. Anna 
8.请你以"My Dream Room"为题设计一下你梦想中的房间。
1. 你喜欢的房间是什么颜色的?
2. 你要放在房间里的物品有哪些?分别在什么位置?(至少写三样)
3. 你喜欢在房间里做什么?
My Dream Room
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