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1.  Animals, especially cats and dogs, are often kept as pets. They can be very good friends of humans. Here are two (1)       about them.
  At Jesus College, Cambridge University, 600 teachers and students looked for a cat called Billy (2)        for three weeks. They (3)       him in their rooms and kept an eye open for him. The grey and white cat is a member of the college, and he even has dining rights (就餐权利). The head teacher asked anyone who might see the cat to (4)       the college.
  In Kentucky, a dog named Jupiter was hit by a car and was hurt seriously. (5)       owner Steve Ford looked for him for a long time, but he couldn't find him (6)      . Then Ford (7)       the local animal hospital a call. Then he was (8)       to find that Jupiter had already been in the (9)      . "He just checked in himself, I guess," Ford said. "After the accident, he ran about a mile to the hospital. (10)      , the car didn't hurt his bones."
2.  Have you ever watched Frozen? The Disney cartoon has made a great success. Frozen 2 a follow-up to Frozen, hit theatres of China again. It has the same film makers as Frozen and is even more worth watching. You can't miss it.
  The fantasy film (魔幻电影) Frozen 2 continues the story of Elsa and her warm-hearted sister Anna. In the new film, Anna and Elsa travel to an ancient mysterious (神秘的) forest to find where Eisa's icy powers come from in order to save their kingdom.
  What will happen on their dangerous but exciting journey? Come and enjoy this wonderful movie!
Weekdays: 10:30 a. m. — 12:13 p. m.; 7:30 p. m. — 9:13 p. m.
Weekends: 9:40 a. m. — 11:23 a. m. ; 2:10 p. m. — 3:53 p. m. ; 6:40 p. m. — 8:23 p. m.
Place: Wanda Movie Theatre
Ticket price:
Matinee (日场): 50 yuan
Evening: 70 yuan
Children under 6 years old: free
*50% off on Tuesday for all.
*Please prepare your own 3 D glasses.
*A free bottle of soft drink for students with their student ID.
If you want to know more information, please call us at 757-810342. 
3.  Did you watch your dog bury (埋) his favorite bone but dig it up only a day or two later? There is actually a reason behind this—it's simply in their nature. For thousands of years, dogs have buried their bones.
  When dogs lived in the wild, sometimes food was hard to find. If they were able to find meat and bones, dogs had to protect them. In order to keep other dogs and animals from finding their meat, dogs would bury it in the ground. Even though most dogs have lots of food to eat today, their instincts (本能) still tell them to bury their bones. Some dogs hide (藏) more than one bone at a time.
  A dog cannot bury a bone just anywhere. He must first find the perfect place. Often it's near a tree or a large rock. Once the dog finds the perfect place, he uses his front feet to dig the hole, drops the bone and covers up the hole to protect it. Dogs don't always remember where a bone is buried, but they have a wonderful sense of smell. A dog can smell a bone even if it has been buried for years. Most of the time, dogs find bones they have buried by themselves, but they can also find bones buried by other dogs.
4.  More than anything else in the world, Lion liked being the King of the jungle. He walked all around, showing off his power and pride.
  Each day Lion took a long, lazy sleep under the shade of his favourite tree. He always dreamed of weaker animals bowing (鞠躬) before him.
  One day Mouse ran through the jungle and tripped (绊倒) over Lion's huge paws. Lion woke up suddenly. "How dare you wake me up?" he shouted angrily. Lion grabbed Mouse with one paw. "On second thought, I'm in the mood for a snack, and you'll make a delicious meal," he said.
  Mouse cried out, "King Lion, please spare (饶恕) me! If you let me live, I will always remember your kindness. And, some day, I might be able to help you."
  "How could such a powerless little mouse ever help me?" That thought made Lion laugh so much that he decided to let Mouse go. A week later, Lion was walking through the jungle on the way to his favourite tree when he stepped into a hunter's net. The net scooped him up. No matter how he twisted and turned, he couldn't escape.
  When Mouse heard Lion's frightened shouts, he raced to help. Mouse quickly chewed (咬) through the ropes to make a hole in the net. Soon, Lion moved out and was free. Lion looked down at the little mouse. "Thank you for saving my life," said Lion, smiling his widest smile. "I was wrong. You are not a powerless little mouse. You are a great friend!"
5.An ugly tree
  Long long ago, in a forest there were thousands of tall and beautiful trees. Among them, there was also an ugly tree. Its branches were badly twisted (扭曲). (1)       "How are you, hunchback (驼子)?" Other trees always laughed loudly and this made the ugly tree feel sad. But, he never said anything bad about them. The ugly tree thought, "I wish I were as beautiful as the other trees. Why did God do this to me? (2)       Nobody needs me." One day, a woodcutter came to the forest. He took a look at the trees and said, "These trees are lovely. I must cut them." (3)       He chopped, chopped and chopped. One by one the trees started to fall. "All of us are going to be cut down." cried one of the beautiful trees. (4)       The woodcutter came near to the ugly tree. Suddenly he saw how ugly the tree was. "Hmm! This tree seems to be useless for me. I cannot make long straight logs by it," he thought. (5)      
  He started to know that by making him ugly, God had given him a gift.
  From that day on the ugly tree was happy with his twisted branches. He never forgot that day.

A. I can't provide shade for the travelers and can't let the birds make their homes on me.
B. And then he moved to another beautiful tree.
C. As soon as he picked up his axe (斧子), the trees became nervous.
D. All the trees made fun of that ugly tree.
E. And it was brought to ground by the woodcutter's axe.
F. The ugly tree was excited when he saw the woodcutter.
6.下面材料A~F分别给出了一些简单的建议。请根据Lisa, Mike, Helen, Frank和Lily五个人的相关信息,帮助他们选出合理的建议,并将其标号填入题前括号内。
(1)      . Lisa's parents are always busy with their work, but they still do all the housework. Lisa never helps her parents do housework.
(2)      . Mike often helps his father a lot. He helps his father wash the car and always works in their garden. But he doesn't like the kitchen. So he seldom helps his mother.
(3)      . Helen is a 15-year-old girl. She has a big family. She has a little brother and a little sister. She does well in all her subjects, but she doesn't know how to look after her brother and sister.
(4)      . Frank is a 13-year-old boy. He almost spends all his free time on homework when he is at home. He thinks doing housework is a waste of time.
(5)      . Lily is 15 years old. She likes cooking meals. She likes growing flowers, too. However, she doesn't like cleaning her room. 
A. Cleaning your room is an easy and interesting thing. After you clean your room by yourself, you will feel pleased (高兴的) when you see a tidy room. And your parents will be proud of you.
B. It is a happy thing to help your parents do housework. Don't be too lazy. You should learn to do some housework to help your parents, because they are too tired after a busy day of work.
C. In fact, doing the dishes and cooking meals in the kitchen aren't boring. You should try to do them. If you do that, your mother will be very happy.
D. Doing housework is really difficult and a waste of time for children. Parents should do the housework all the time.
E. If you are old enough, you should help your parents to look after your brother or sister. You need to be patient and careful. If you don't know how to do better, you can ask your mother for advice.
F. You should find some time to relax when you are doing homework. Doing housework can help you relax. Perhaps doing some housework can help you study better. 
7.  The boy lost his sight (视力) when he (1)      (be) four. Now he is thirty-two. He can (2)      (clear) remember the brightness of the sunshine and what red colour is. It would be (3)      (wonder) to see again for him.
  He used to be upset (4)       afraid of the darkness. His parents and teachers (5)      (encourage) him a lot, and they made him to fight with blindness.
  The hardest lesson he had to learn was to believe in (6)      (he). That was very necessary. Once a man gave him an indoor baseball. He thought he was laughing (7)       him and he was hurt. "I can't use this." he said. "Take it with you," the man said to him, " and roll (滚) it around." By rolling the ball he could hear (8)       it went. This gave him an idea of (9)      (play) baseball. At Philadelphia's Overbrook School, as a blind man, he invented a kind of baseball. We call it ground ball.
  In his life, he had many goals and then tried (10)      (reach) them one by one. So remember, whatever you do, please believe in yourself.
1. 自主决定参加延时服务。
2. 学校开展多种社团活动,如:篮球社团……
3. 这项活动对学生有帮助:可以尽快完成家庭作业,发展兴趣爱好……
1. 80词左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。
3. 适当增加细节,使行文连贯,条理清楚。
4. 标点正确,书面整洁。
延时服务 after-school services;自主决定 decide to do by oneself;尽快 as soon as possible;发展 develop
Dear David,
  How is everything going? I take part in the after-school services this term. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Do you have after-school service in your school? I'm waiting for your reply.
Li Hua
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