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1.China is a country ________ many big cities.
  • A. has
  • B. have
  • C. with
  • D. of
2.While _____ Christmas always comes on _____ 25th of December, _____ Spring Festival does not fall on a fixed date (固定日期).
  • A. the; the; the
  • B. /; the; the
  • C. /; /; the
  • D. /; /; /
3.It's raining outside. Why not _____ this umbrella with you?
  • A. take
  • B. taking
  • C. took
  • D. to take
4.Although Denny hurt _____ in the match, he still won in the end. His parents are very proud of _____.
  • A. him; himself
  • B. him; him
  • C. himself; himself
  • D. himself; him
5.Every year in July, swimmers from all over the world will take part in an open water swimming competition in Wuhan to swim _____ the Yangtze River.
  • A. under
  • B. across
  • C. through
  • D. above
6.When the movie star _____ the airport, _____ fans were waiting for him excitedly.
  • A. arrived in; hundred of
  • B. reached to; two hundred
  • C. arrived at; hundreds of
  • D. got to; two hundreds
7.Look at the photo. _____ girl in _____ red is my sister.
  • A. The; the
  • B. The; /
  • C. /; the
  • D. /; /
8.—Does this bus go to the beach?
—No. You _____ the wrong way. You should take No. l Bus.
  • A. go
  • B. are going
  • C. went
  • D. will go
9.—What _____ you _____ in the kitchen? It _____ good.
—Lemon chicken.
  • A. do; cook; smells
  • B. are; cooking; is smelling
  • C. do; cook; is smelling
  • D. are; cooking; smells
10.—Last night, I woke up at midnight and heard a fire engine _____ past my house.
—It turned out that one of my neighbours' house was on fire.
  • A. to drive
  • B. driving
  • C. drove
  • D. is driving
11.Saving the earth by saving money
  Jose Condori is a Peruvian (秘鲁的) boy. When he was just seven years old, he started the (1)      . The bank is very unusual. It not only helps students save money, but also helps them save the earth.
  He came up with the idea after seeing his classmates spend all their pocket money (2)       toys. And many old toys were thrown away every year. Condori thought this was a big waste. After (3)       with his teachers about it, he knew something could be done. (4)       he started his bank.
  Here is how the bank (5)      : Students bring in plastic waste. The waste is sold to (6)       recycling company. The company turns some of the waste into new products. Condori's bank makes money by doing this. Part of the money is put into the students' bank accounts. The students can take the money out (7)       they reach their savings goal (目标).
  At first, the bank had only 20 "customers (客户)". Now, there (8)       more than 2,000. That number is still rising. Condori (9)       his bank to more cities. He wants to help more people save money while saving the environment. (10)       you become a member of the bank when it comes to your city one day?
12.  The leaning tower of Pisa is a bell tower. It (1)       behind the Cathedral of Pisa.
  The tower is maybe one of the most well-known (2)       in Europe or even in the world. People know about it not only because of the way it stands — it leans to one side. It's also because it was the (3)       where the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (伽利略) did his test about gravity. Galileo did it by (4)       two balls of different weights from the top of the tower and he found that they hit the (5)       at the same time.
  The tower was not designed to lean. It started to lean when it was still under construction (建设中). It's all because people built it on (6)       soils. So for safety reasons, the tower was once closed to the public. Now it is (7)       again, but only for a small number of people, and for a "good price", too — you need to pay 18 EUR for the (8)       if you want to enter and climb it. It is (9)       enough to protect the tower from too many (10)      .
13.  One day a police officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms by a river. He was so happy with what he had found that he decided to share the mushrooms with his workmates. When their breakfast arrived the next day, each officer found some mushrooms on the plate.
  "Let the dog try first," suggested one officer. He was afraid that the mushroom might be poisonous (有毒的). The dog seemed to enjoy his mushrooms, and the officers then began to eat their meal saying that the mushrooms had a very strange but quite delicious taste.
  An hour later, however, they were all surprised when a gardener rushed in and said seriously the dog was dead. All at once, the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the nearest hospital. Machines were used to help get the mushrooms out of the officers' stomachs and they all had a very hard time.
  When they returned to the police station, everyone sat down and started to talk about the pains that he had felt. They all agreed that they had become worse on their way to the hospital. One officer then called the gardener to ask how the poor dog had died.
  "How did it feel before it died?" asked another officer. "I don't think it had much time to feel anything," answered the gardener, "It was killed the moment a car hit it."
14.  Look at the following picture of the modern fire engine.

• Ladder
  The ladder helps the firemen reach the higher floors of a building. Not all fire engines have ladders.
• Lights and siren
  Together, the two make flashing light and loud wee-woo-wee-woo sound to get the attention of the drivers, so that they will clear the way for the fire engine to get through as quickly as possible.
• Pump panel
  There are a number of buttons and switches (开关) on the pump panel. They can decide how much water goes out and through which line it goes out.
• Hose
  Firemen use the hose (that is the pipe) to squirt (喷) water on the fire. One end of the hose is connected to the fire engine, where there are pumps to control the water.
• Storage compartment
  Firemen keep their things such as hats, coats, boots and other tools in the storage compartment on the fire engine.
15.  In the past, governments (政府) didn't let people sell things on streets, because they always made streets dirty and traffic hard to move. However, there are problems with the economy (经济) because of COVED-19. Now, to help people make money and help with the economy, cities around China started to let people sell food, clothes and other small things on streets again.
  On May 30, the city of Changchun in Jilin said that it would reopen night markets and people could sell things on streets again. Night markets can be in parks, in squares or on the roadside as long as they don't make trouble for traffic. People don't need to pay for their roadside booths (地摊), but they have to be in good order.
  "It doesn't say there will be no rules," Wang Yukai, a teacher from a college said. "If someone wants to set up a roadside booth, he or she must, follow some rules."
  Chengdu also has a similar way to help with the economy. It lets people run roadside booths on some streets after March 15. Now the city has more than 2, 000 places for people to start roadside booths. That makes quite a few people stop worrying about looking for jobs.
  The smart move helps many people make more money because night markets are really popular. An officer said, "Helping people when they are in need is what a city should do."
16.  If you've ever travelled with others, you may find it's hard to have fun. (1)       And when you want to try the local food, your friends might think it's a bad idea and take you to a Chinese restaurant.
  So, you see, travelling with others may stop you from doing what you want to do. (2)      
  In fact, travelling alone is only a part of a recent trend (趋势) — people want to take more time alone—or what's called "me time".
  (3)       It's also called "alone time". Many people feel that in their daily lives, they are always giving their time to others so that they spend little or no time on themselves. "Me time" solves this problem by giving them time to spend on activities they enjoy. (4)      
  The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, once wrote about how she enjoyed having her "me time". "(5)       It's not easy. But it's important," she wrote.

A. During their "me time", people can do anything they like.
B. This is probably why more people these days prefer to travel alone.
C. I often go out to have meals alone or travel alone.
D. "Me time" refers to time taken just for yourself.
E. When you want to get up early to watch the sunrise, your friends may think that getting enough sleep is more important. 
17.  I am a (1)m       of the painting club in our school. Today, I would like to introduce our teacher, Mrs. Zhong, to you.
  Mrs. Zhong has many interesting ideas about painting. She never thinks painting can only be done with a pen and a piece of paper. Instead, she (2)p       to use different ways and material to create pictures to show feelings. For (3)e      , she once showed us how to "paint" a picture with tree leaves and flower petals (花瓣).
  Mrs. Zhong seldom asks us to paint on a given topic. Instead, she (4)a       us to choose what to paint by ourselves. And she also (5)e       us to discuss and do (6)e       on different material to find out the best one to make our paintings. I learn many (7)v       lessons from her.
  Last term, a TV company came to our school to make a (8)p       about our school clubs. When we saw many of our paintings (9)a       on TV, we were very excited. I hope I can (10)c       to learn from Mrs. Zhong about painting in the future.
The American writer O. Henry was        his short stories, "The Gift of the Magi", "The Last Leaf" and so on.
Mum always asks Dad to        as soon as possible.
Mr Wang often says to me, "       you will make progress."
       you love shopping, Teemall is the        place       .
Sam        my pet dog when I was on holiday.
After his mother turned off the light, the little boy        soon.
24.  John Dancer was a (1)b       man and he couldn't go (2)a       by himself, so he always went with his guide dog, Charlie. One night, John woke up when Charlie was (3)b      . There was a fire. Smoke came in from under the door, so John put some (4)t       along the (5)b       of the door. Finally, the firemen came and they were both safe.
25.  In the (1)c       of France, there are many vineyards. Farmers grow grapes to make (2)e       French wine. The (3)s       of France (4)l       on the coast. There are many wonderful beaches. You can enjoy your summer holiday there. But if you would like to visit France in winter, you can also try (5)s       in the French Alps.
26.Mary, girl, and, often, is, help, takes, kind, classmates, her, a, she, time, to
27.without, have, we, trees, breathe, oxygen, cannot, to
28.There, not only, in, buildings, are, but also, Shangxiajiu Road, delicious, different, traditional, many, snacks, kinds of
29.we, throwing, rivers, seas, should, stop, rubbish, into, and, if, clean, we, don't, water, want, a, world, without
期中试卷 最新试卷 广东试卷 广州市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 七年级下学期试卷 英语试卷
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