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1.阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
  Greeting someone, saying goodbye — these situations make me feel uncomfortable. One peck (轻吻)? Two pecks? Three? No kisses at all?Why, I think, as I get to the other person 's face, why can't it be as (1)       as a handshake?
  (2)       survey by the Daily Mail showed that one in five British people now (3)       a handshake is too formal (正式的). Some 42 percent said they never shake hands when they greet friends. One third of people choose to hug, while 16 percent prefer a kiss on the cheek.
  British people (4)       to be reserved (保守的)— unfriendly, some would say. Handshakes (5)       work for us because we didn't have to get too close, (6)       nowadays the super — British handshake is no longer fashionable. We want to be more like the easygoing people of some (7)       countries, who greet each other with kisses and hugs.
  The trouble is, we still find that (8)       is a bit strange. What does a married man do when (9)       a married woman, for example?How should someone younger greet someone older?Guys don't like to kiss one another, (10)      . The biggest questions, (11)       you do decide to kiss, are how many times and which cheek first. Unlike the French, (12)       comfortably give three, cheek-pecks have usually never been easy for us poor, uncomfortable British people. Even the handshake has its problems:don't shake too (13)      , don't hold the other person 's hand too weakly or don't go in (14)       dirty hands.
  Maybe it 's better (15)       it at a smile and a nod.
2.阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
After Twenty Years
by O. Henry

  A policeman was checking through the whole street. He was so (1)       and suddenly slowed down, finding that in the doorway of a dark store stood a man.
  "It's all right, officer," he spoke up quickly, "Just waiting for a friend."
  The man lighted a cigar (雪茄). The light showed a pale face with a white scar (伤疤).
  "Twenty years ago tonight, I had dinner here with my best friend, Jimmy. Then I left for the West for a new (2)      to make money. We agreed that we would meet here again after twenty years."
  "It sounds pretty (3)      , "said the policeman. "Rather a long time between meets."
  "If he can not come on time, will you wait?"
  "Sure! I know Jimmy will meet me here if he's alive, for he always was the truest guy in the world. I (4)      him. He'll never forget. I'll give him half an hour at least." said the man.
  "I'll be on my way. Good-night, gentleman." said the policeman.
  After 20 minutes, a tall man (5)      . "Is that you, Bob?" he asked, (6)      .
  "Is that you. Jimmy?"cried the man in the door.
  "It's Bob! Twenty years is such a long time, Bob."
  "You've (7)       a lot, Jimmy. I never thought you were so tall."
  "Come on, Bob. Go around and have a good talk."
  The two men walked up the street to a cafe.
  (8)       , Bob said, "You're not Jimmy!Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a man 's nose from a Roman (鹰钩鼻)to a Dug (塌鼻)."
  "But long enough to change a good man into a/an (9)       one", said the tall man. "You are caught, 'Silky' Bob!We have been searching for you for a long time. Here, before we go on to the station, here's a note for you."
  "Bob, I was there on time but I (10)       that I didn't know you because when you lighted your cigar, I noticed that you are the man wanted by the police. Somehow I couldn't do it myself, so I went around for another policeman to do the task. JIMMY."
3.  Many teenagers like listening to music in their spare time. Can you imagine that a 15-year-old girl has attracted nearly 1. 7 million music followers on China's leading video-sharing platform Bilibili and made national headlines?
  Zhang Yuxuan, who is better known as Vicky Xuanxuan on social media, can turn many things into melody in her music world — a box of candies, water, pens and glass bottles. She records the sounds around her and mixes them into songs.
  Yuxuan's most popular clip — the release of her English song She — has been viewed more than 14 million times and received over 1 million thumbs-up emoji on Bilibili.
  "In the clip. I tried to let viewers know how the song was created," says Yuxuan, who lives in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong province.
  The six﹣minute video tells how a melody coming to the schoolgirl's mind is developed into a beautiful song in half an hour. She records playing the guitar on Apple's music-making app Garage Band, and then mixes vocals and backing tracks.
  Talking about her inspiration for She,Yuxuan says, "I really appreciate the heroine's confidence and independence in a very famous movie. Women like that are so attractive."
  The song has amazed people. A Bilibili user says it is a song that you cannot stop playing time and time again. The video has forced many to reflet on their own productivity, as another user posts:
  "A student in junior middle school can create a song in half an hour, but I, a college student, can only finish my meal in half an hour." On Yuxuan's web page, she has over 120, 000 subscribers. A subscriber named Carolyn Davidson comments: "I'm 71 years old and it definitely healed my heart."
  Just like Zhang Yuxuan, we all have dreams. Let's hold on to them and try our best to achieve them.
4.  A mindset is the way of thinking. Your mindset can affect almost every part of your daily life. Dr. Carol Dweck, a scientist who studies how the mind works, has discovered that people with a fixed (固定的) mindset deal with problems in a different way from those with a growth mindset.
  Imagine that two students, Anna and Amy, are taking a really hard math test in September. Anna has a fixed mindset, which means she believes that a person's intelligence is fixed. You're either smart or stupid. and if you're smart, everything is easy for you. Amy has a growth mindset, which means she believes that your intelligence can grow. Not everyone can become a genius, but they can improve the skills they have and develop new ones.
  So which is right?It's Amy. Believe it or not, research shows that you really can get smarter by working hard, practicing, and challenging yourself.
  As you know, your brain is made un of billions of neurons (神经元). They are all connected and send messages to each other. Scientists have found that when we learn, neurons make new connections and old connections grow stronger. But if connections aren't used, they will break down. So, learning is like exercise for your brain. The more you work it out, the stronger and smarter your network of neurons will become.
  According to Dr. Carol Dweck 's studies, people with a fixed mindset worry about grades. They 're afraid of looking stupid when they make mistakes. People with a growth mindset care about learning not grades. They learn from their mistakes and try to find different ways of solving problems. They ask for help when necessary. In only two years, babies learn to walk, talk and feed themselves. They never worry about looking stupid when learning. If they make mistakes, they just try again.
  Dweck's team also discovered that, with some work, kids can choose to have a growth mindset. They can do better in school. The trick is to notice what mindset you have. If you ever think yourself stupid, it's not true. You just have not learned how to do something yet.
5.ESA √@esa • 6 h

  Congratulations to the China National Space Administration on the launch of three 'taikonauts' on their Shenzhou 12 mission to the Tianhe (Heavenly Harmony) space station.
  On June 17th, 2021, in their Tweets to congratulate China on the launch of three "taikonauts" on their Shenzhou Ⅶ mission to outer space, both the European Space Agency and Roscosmos used the word"taikonauts".
  With the Greek word "naut", which means sailor, and "taiko", which comes from taikong, the Chinese word for space, the word "taikonaut" is specifically used for Chinese astronauts.
  Yet "taikonaut" is more than just a word. Its history shows that of China's space journey. Started in 1992, the manned spacecraft engineering (载人航天工程) of China was far behind the USA and Russia in the beginning 6 years later, the word "taikonaut" was created by Chiew Lee Yih, a Chinese Malaysian. who used it first in newsgroups. However, back then few people picked up on it, as China was still rather weak at that time.
  It was not until 2003, when China sent Yang Liwei, the first taikonaut into space taking the Shenzhou V. that the word became widely known. In his speech at Peking University on Friday, Yang told stories ahout that and shared how much is required of the taikonauts to prepare them for their missions.
  Since 1998, China has 34 trained taikonauts, each of whom has passed tests that are usually unimaginably difficult. According to reports. , they are all chosen from top polots, engineers and scientists, and must pass a lot of test before becoming a real taikonaut.
  Behind these taikonauts are hundreds of thousands of other workers that do their jobs to get the taikonauts into space and make certain of their safe return. It is the great efforts of everyone in this project that has made "taikonaut" from just a word on the paper into the reality, and all of them should share the honor of the taikonauts' tasks. The meanings of the word will he further developed and we hope more taikonauts will appear.
6.Advice on Preparing a Healthy Meal for Your Pet Dog
  There are many reasons to prepare your dog's food. He might be a picky eater, or you may want to avoid giving him additives in the dog food you buy, or maybe you just want to show your dog some love. If you only make a homemade healthy meal sometimes, don't worry too much about balancing the nutrition (营养). However, if you plan to feed your dog homemade meals for a long time, you'll need to consider more about it.
  Ask an animal nutritionist for help. What is good for one dog may not be the best for your dog. This is especially true if you're feeding a growing puppy instead of an adult dog. It will be better if your dog has a meal plan that's designed for his specific dietary needs. 
  Know what foods to avoid feeding your dog. Some foods we humans safely eat are actually harmful or even toxic to dogs. You should avoid feeding your dog:×Onion or garlic (大蒜). The stronger the garlic smell is, the more dangerous it is. × Grapes and nuts. These cause kidney (肾脏 )failure. ×Chocolate. It can cause choking and even kill your dog. 
  Include protein. Meat should make up the biggest part of your dog 's meal to provide enough energy. However, meat should not make up more than half of the meal. For example, your dog's meal could be 50% chicken, 25% rice, and 25% vegetables. 
 Consider feeding your dog fish. Fish for your dog is like milk for your kids. It has high levels of omega fatty acids which are necessary for a healthy hair. Fish is also rich in vitamin D which helps your dog get Ca into strong bones. You can offer your dog a small amount of fish every day or a fish meal twice a week. 
7.阅读短文及文后选项, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
  In 1987, a small company named Huawei was started in Shenzhen. After more than 30 year of development, the company has now beaten Apple and become the world's second largest maker of smartphones. (1)       In China and even in the world, Huawei is a wonder. Although it started producing mobile phones not many years ago, it has become one of the most famous phone companies.
  (2)       The US government made a law to stop its sales in America. American officials said Huawei gave information that it collected to the Chinese government. At the same time, the US government planned to stop selling parts and services to Huawei. (3)      
  "We have never received such a request from the Chinese government and we have never tried to get into other systems to collect information," Ren Zhengfei, Huawei's president said. He believed the law would have little effect on the company. (4)      
  Facing the law of the US, Huawei is growing. Huawei's smartphone sales around the world rose 50 percent compared with a year earlier in the first three months of 2019. (5)       It sells its equipment in more than 170 countries.
A. But recently, Huawei faces some difficulties.
B. And Huawei has enough ability to deal with the problems.
C. They believed that Huawei's business would be hurt this way.
D. It has also become the world's supplier (供应者) of 5 G technology.
E. So far, Huawei has grown into the world's largest telecommunication equipment supplier. 
8.阅读下面短文, 并根据短文大意及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词.在填写答卷时, 要写出完整单词(每空限填一词).
To: Aunt LindaFrom:David 
Dear Aunt Linda,
  I enjoy reading your advice page every week. It is very helpful to my daily life.
  Recently, I come across with a major problem about my little brother. I would really appreciate if you can (1)s        some ideas on it. My little brother Jack, a ninth grader, is a smart boy. However, he is too lazy and (2)s       reviews his lessons after class. Moreover, he usually makes a lot of careless mistakes in his exams. What 's worse, he spends most of his time playing and (3)r      himself before finishing all his homework on time first. My parents and I are (4)w       that he might not even be able to get into a senior high school next year if he doesn't take (5)a       right now. We have talked with him a lot but he wouldn't listen. Would you please give us some suggestions?
Best regards,
9.Lily 正在寻找一位能帮助她学习英语的同学.
Lily is       a classmate who can             her English.
The bad man        four months ago.
      it is to       you!
I wonder       this morning.
13.外面太吵, 我很难集中注意力在学习上.
It's too noisy outside. It's difficult        to       my mind       my studies.
14.At the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games, Su Bingtian made hictory becoming the first spinter(短跑运动员) from China to appear in the Olympics men's 100 m final. At that moment, Su Bingtian became not only China's "flying man", but also Asia's "flying man"…In the semi﹣final, Su had set a personal best of 9. 83 seconds which was also an Asian record.
假设你听到以上内容的英语广播, 请根据以下提示写一篇题为"A Flying Man around Us"的英语征文向学校的英语广播站投稿.
1989年出生于广东省中山市, 中国男子著名短跑运动员. 暨南大学体育学院副教授, 授课广受学生喜爱.
从小喜爱运动, 刻苦训练, 意志坚定, 自律自信.
参考词汇:暨南大学 Jinan University体育学院Institute of Physical Education 副教授associate professor短跑运动员 sprinter
备选词汇:. . . be born in, be considered as …, as …as possible, one of …
要求词数100左右, 已给出的部分不算入总词数, 照搬题目的英文不给分.
A Flying Man around Us
At the 2021 Tokyo Olympics men's 100 m semi﹣final, Su Bingtian became not only China's "flying man", but also Asia's"flying man". I was so excited when I heard the news.
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