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1.I found ______ wallet on the playground yesterday.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.—Everything is ready for the party.
—Do you mean I ______ bring anything with me?
  • A. can't
  • B. couldn't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. needn't
3.She had to sell the house even though it was ______ her own wishes.
  • A. above
  • B. on
  • C. against
  • D. for
4.—Who does the cooking when your parents are not at home?
—If we are hungry, we ______ order fast food.
  • A. simply
  • B. exactly
  • C. especially
  • D. hardly
5.Because of the illness, there are ______ tourists this year than several years ago.
  • A. more
  • B. most
  • C. fewer
  • D. less
6.She says that she'll have to close the restaurant ______ business improves.
  • A. if
  • B. after
  • C. unless
  • D. when
7.There is more space in the high-speed train and the journey becomes more ______.
  • A. serious
  • B. boring
  • C. dangerous
  • D. comfortable
8.—Have you ever seen the 3D film?
—Yes. It can make you ______ being in the real situation.
  • A. grow up
  • B. look over
  • C. take up
  • D. feel like
9.Mr. Green ______ Beijing for vacation. He will be back next month.
  • A. has gone to
  • B. has been to
  • C. has been in
  • D. will go
10.He couldn't sleep, although he tried to. ______ in the late afternoon caused him to stay awake almost all night.
  • A. Potatoes
  • B. Candles
  • C. Water
  • D. Coffee
11.  From Monday to Friday people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and (1)       they are free and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, and others do sports.
  There are many different ways to spend time. It may be something from collecting stamps (2)       making model planes. Some hobbies are very (3)       but others don't cost any money at all. Some collections are worth much money, but others are valuable (贵重) only to their (4)      .
  I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousand dollars. A short time ago he (5)       a rare fifty-cent piece which cost him $250! He was very (6)       about this collection and thought the price was all right. On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has (7)       almost 600 kinds of them, but I wonder (8)       they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are quite valuable. (9)       makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection. That's what a (10)       means, I think. It is something we like to do in our free time just for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.
12.  Do you want to help the poor people around the world? Here are some organizations that can help you do that.
  This large organization improves the lives of children living in poverty (贫穷) around the world. They provide new clothes, toys, books and other products, as well as medical care. They're also well-run, and spend 99.5% of their money helping children.
  Concern Worldwide US
  This organization has worked to reduce poverty since it was founded (建立) in 1968. Work is mostly aimed at countries which are in the bottom 40 according to the UN Human Development.
  International Child Care
  The Christian health development organization is working to fight poverty in Haiti by providing important medical care for children and their families. ICC allows them to live happier and healthier lives in less danger of falling into poverty.
  Village Reach
  Since 2000, this organization has worked to improve the developing world's chance to healthcare by working together with business, governments, and other organizations. They aim to improve local infrastructure (基础设施) in poor countries.
13.  There was once an old man. He had a daughter. She was so beautiful, and a lot of young men from all over the town came to visit her. The old man asked his daughter, "What kind of man do you want to be your husband?" His daughter said, "Dear father, my future husband can be poor but should also be a rich man."
  "How could that be?" thought the father. But anyway, he announced (宣告) that his daughter was ready for marriage. Many men stood outside of the girl's home. The old man came out and said, "Gentlemen, those who think you are qualified (有资格的), please come forward and tell me what you have!"
  A few well-dressed men came forward and said, "We are rich men. We have gold, silk and big houses." Next came five young men with jewelry (珠宝) boxes. "You will be a rich person if you choose one of us to be your husband," they said.
  The girl just smiled. Then came a poor-dressed young man. The old man asked, "Young man, you look so poor. What can you offer my daughter?"
  "My wealth is always with me," said the young man. "I can make tables and chairs within an hour. I can also put up a tent for you."
  The girl smiled. The young man continued, "I can cook, too. I can cook delicious meals. However, I do not have much money. But with my pair of hands, I do have a whole life of wealth."
  "You are my husband." said the girl, "You have a pair of magic hands."
14.  How do we know the time? A clock, a watch or a mobile phone can help us. However, many years ago there were no clocks and knowing the time was not so easy. Over the centuries people have developed different ways of telling the time.
  About 5500 years ago, the Egyptians invented the sun clock. This was a tall stone building. Its shadow (影子) showed the movement of the sun. So people were able to know midday. The Egyptians made a sundial (日晷仪) about 3500 years ago. It was smaller than the sun clock and could let people know the time for half a day. On cloudy days or at night it was impossible to tell the time with a sun clock or a sundial. Water clocks were the first clocks not to use the sun. The idea is simple. Water flows (流动) from one bottle to another. When the water reaches a certain level, it shows the hours. The Egyptians used water clocks about 3400 years ago. These clocks were popular in the Middle East and China. But they failed to make people know the exact time.
  In the 13th century, the mechanical clock was invented. This was more exact, but it was expensive to make one. Over the next few centuries it was developed. For example, springs (发条) were added around 1500. This enabled people to get the correct time and recently, in 1956, came the digital clock. And nowadays we can know the exact time from the mobile phone.
  There has been a lot of progress in timekeeping. Clocks are always changing but some things never change. Many of us still have trouble getting out of bed on time and not being late for school or work.
15.  Zhou Hui is a 29-year-old girl. When she was 4, she was badly hurt in a car accident. (1)       People got to know her recently when they saw her video of doing exercise with her man-made leg.
  (2)       "When I was in high school, no one knew I had a man-made leg," she said. "I never stayed close to my classmates. I was the first person to walk into the classroom in the morning and the last one to leave."
  (3)       For the past three years, she has kept doing exercise. She went to the gym three times a week to stay fit. (4)       For example, she couldn't use the fitness facilities (健身器材) like other people in the beginning. But she kept trying and finally, she could.
  Zhou became outgoing. (5)       In November, 2020, she became the ambassador (大使) for Shenzhen Accessibility Promotion Association (深圳无障碍环境促进会). She believes building a neighborhood for disabled people is really important.
  "Doing exercise has changed me. And I'll try my best to make sure people with disabilities can go out without difficulties." Zhou said.

A. Although Zhou now looks no different from other people, she once felt terrible about herself.
B. She volunteers for a program for the disabled.
C. But now Zhou lives a happy life.
D. Luckily, she was not badly hurt.
E. She lost her right leg.
F. During the three years' hard work, she overcame (克服) many difficulties. 
A. next B. surprised C. if D. caught E. silk F. culture 

  Experts recently found over 500 objects at the Sanxingdui site in Sichuan. A 3,000-year-old gold mask has (1)      the attention (注意) of experts and the public.
  Only half of the mask was found but it still (2)       people with its large size. It weighs about 280 grams. It is said that (3)       the whole gold mask was found, it could weigh over 500 grams, making it both the heaviest and the largest gold mask in the world. Experts also found a 1.5-meter-long wooden box and two kinds of (4)      .
  All these objects were found at six new sacrificial pits (祭祀坑) in the Sanxingdui site. These new pits are (5)       to another two pits found in 1986.
give away, fit, work, succeed 
18.  When I first joined Mrs. Tippet's class, I couldn't pay attention to anything. I had reading (1)      (problem) when I was a little girl. Many teachers didn't understand me. They thought I was a bad student. They gave up on me and I almost gave up on myself. (2)       Mrs. Tippet began to teach us English, I didn't think she is different from the other teachers. I quarreled with her almost every day.
  One day I said something terrible to her. This made me feel even (3)      (bad). I decided (4)      (write) "sorry" to her on my homework. To my surprise, Mrs. Tippet didn't shout at me. She (5)      (take) me to her office and told me that there's no real difference between me and my classmates.
  From that day on, Mrs. Tippet taught me much more (6)      (strict). This made me want to do better. She made me feel (7)      (relax) in her class. The next year, she sent me to a summer programme to help me with my studies. I'll never forget her.
19.  Have you ever tried Irish dancing? It's a traditional dance with a long history. There are many kinds of Irish dancing, and I do Sean-nos and step dancing. Sean-nos is a free-form (自由创作的) dance. It's all about dancing to the traditional Irish music to express (表达) yourself. Sean-nos has a lot of footwork, and dancers can dance in a relaxed way.
  I also do step dancing in a group of eight dancers. In this kind of dance, we move together side by side. We wave (挥手) our hands over our heads and swing each other around and turn with the music.
  Irish dancing is a big part of my life and something I can really be myself. It's all about doing what I love to do. It has also given me wonderful (A) opportunities. Last summer we traveled to Ireland for a big dance competition.
  The competition was for kids all the way up to 18 years old. I was in the Year 7 - 12 group. It was really exciting to be there, though we didn't win a prize in the competition. (B) That wasn't important to me. The only reason I dance is that I love it.
20.  If you watch the sky for about an hour after the sun goes down, you may see some "moving stars". But they're not real stars. They're man-made satellites (人造卫星). And the biggest of all is the International Space Station (ISS). From May to July is the best season to watch the ISS flying over the earth. People can see it with their eyes.
  The ISS is the biggest satellite and scientists want to live on it. They think that the best way to learn more about space is to live there.
  When the space station is finished, it will be like a city in space. People will stay and study there with many of the things they have at home. Laboratories, living rooms and power stations are being built. The ISS is the most expensive space program. Billions of dollars are being spent on it every year.
  Scientists hope that the ISS will be a stepping stone for future space exploration (探测). "The ISS will help us understand the human body better, explore space and study the earth. It can help us make life on the earth better," said Kathryn Cark, an ISS scientist.
  Sixteen countries are part of the program: the US, Russia, Canada, Japan, Brazil and 11 European countries. China isn't an ISS country, but it has helped to do some experiments. In 2003, China sent some rice up to the ISS to find out what space would do to it.
1. Have you read interesting books?
2. Have you been to somewhere interesting?
3. Have you ever been a volunteer?
4. Have you cleaned your room?
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