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1.—What is the matter, Mary?
—I may have ________ fever.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.—Who did you go shopping with, Susan?
—With Lina. And ________ had lunch together.
  • A. we
  • B. us
  • C. I
  • D. me
3.—Do you do volunteer work?
—Yes. I talk with some ________ old people and help with the housework.
  • A. lonely
  • B. excited
  • C. clear
  • D. cheap
4.—Dad, ________ you fix up my bike?
—OK, but I want to watch a game first.
  • A. should
  • B. might
  • C. could
  • D. must
5.—________ is the watermelon?
—It weighs 5 kilos.
  • A. How long
  • B. How heavy
  • C. How far
  • D. How tall
6.—Why does our school ________ the school trip?
—Because there is going to be a heavy rain tomorrow.
  • A. put off
  • B. die down
  • C. put up
  • D. help out
7.—________ amazing invention!
—Yes, it can help people sweep the floor easily.
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. What a
  • D. What an
8.This new shirt is made of ________ and feels so good.
  • A. silk
  • B. ship
  • C. bread
  • D. fan
9.—Dale, what are you doing there?
—Well, I ________ my new watch. I am looking for it.
  • A. lose
  • B. lost
  • C. have lost
  • D. am losing
10.—Elephants are ________ than the other animals on the land.
—So they are.
  • A. big
  • B. bigger
  • C. biggest
  • D. the biggest
11.My grandpa looks ________ newspapers in the morning to know some news.
  • A. at
  • B. through
  • C. for
  • D. after
12.—I have to take a long bus ride to work every day.
—Why don't you ________ yourself a car?
  • A. bought
  • B. to buy
  • C. buying
  • D. buy
13.—I plan to read Treasure Island this summer vacation.
—________. It's an interesting book.
  • A. No problem
  • B. That's right
  • C. Sounds great
  • D. I don't know
14.—Mr. Smith, can you tell Joe to call me back this evening?
—OK. I'll tell him ________ I see him.
  • A. since
  • B. as soon as
  • C. that
  • D. although
15.—Have you decided ________?
—Yes. We are going to camp by Xueye Lake.
  • A. who can make model planes
  • B. where you will camp
  • C. when will you go camping
  • D. how you will go to the lake
16.  Jackie visited his grandparents on their farm. And he was playing with a slingshot (弹弓) in the woods. He practiced in the woods (1)       he could never hit the target (目标). As he was walking back, he saw (2)       pet duck. Without thinking, he shot, hit the duck in the head and (3)       it. He was very (4)      . He knew Grandma loved the duck. She would be sad or even angry if she knew that her duck was killed. He then hid the dead duck under a tree. His sister Susan saw it all, but she said (5)      .
  After lunch that day Grandma said, "Susan, let's wash the dishes." But Susan said, "Grandma. Jackie told me (6)       wanted to do that today, didn't you, Jackie?" And then she said to him in a very (7)       voice, "Remember the duck?" So Jackie helped in the (8)      .
  Later Grandpa asked (9)       would like to go fishing. But Grandma said, "I'm sorry but I need Susan to help clean the house." But Susan (10)       and said, "Well, that's all right because Jackie told me he wanted to help." And she said quietly (11)      , "Remember the duck?" So Susan went fishing (12)       Jackie stayed.
  These "remember the duck" went on for many days. Then finally Jackie couldn't (13)       it any longer. He came to Grandma and told her the (14)      . She gave him a hug, and said, "Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing (15)       the window and I saw the whole thing. But because I love you, I forgave you. But I just wanted to see how long you would let Susan make a slave (奴隶) of you."
17.Alice: Hey, I am Alice. I am from the USA.
Ming: (1)       We are happy to meet you, Alice.
Alice: Can you tell me a little more about China?
Ming: Sure. Do you know China is one of the oldest countries? (2)      
Alice: Yes, I do. It's much older than my country. But China is about the same size as the US, right?
Ming: Yes, it is the largest country in Asia. (3)      
Alice: Yellow River is the longest among them, right?
Ming: No. (4)       Yangtze River's about 6300 kilometers long.
Alice: Wow. I didn't know that. (5)      
Ming: Yes, I do.
Alice: Can you show me around Jinan?
Ming: No problem.
18.  Dr. Black put on a false smile as she entered Janet's hospital room. She couldn't let Janet see that she was worried. Yet she kept looking for the cause of Janet's illness but didn't find a reason.
  "How are you feeling today?" Dr. Black asked her patient. Janet said that she felt about the same-terribly uncomfortable.
  The doctor tried to get Janet's mind off her health by talking about Janet's vacation at Lake Winnow. But Dr. Black couldn't keep her own mind on the conversation. She kept wondering what could be wrong with her patient.
  Suddenly Janet's words stopped Dr. Black's thoughts: "...the vacation was really perfect, but the food was not good. The last meal I ate was especially terrible."
  Dr. Black quickly came back to the talk, "Janet. when did you eat that meal?" Janet said that it had been the day before yesterday.
  "I think we've found your problem." Dr. Black said as she left. Several hours later, Dr. Black was back with the answer. "Janet, the food you ate made you ill. You're suffering from food poisoning. Now that we know what's wrong, we can take care of your problem."
19.Raya and The Last Dragon
Tel: 617-219-4300
Tickets Information
Dates: 30th July — 8th August
Mon — Fri 10 a.m., 7 p.m.
Sat — Sun 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 7 p.m.
Where: Star Cinema
How long: 1.5 hours
Ticket prices: $25 per child or adult (day shows) $35 per child or adult (evening shows)
Family Packages: $85 for 4 tickets (10 a.m., 2 p.m. shows) $120 for 4 tickets (7 p.m. shows)
Latecomer Policy:
Please arrive early. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter until a proper break in the shows.
To watch movies quietly, you can not bring children below 3 in.

20.  As an English, I can speak three languages—English, German and French, so do you think the English people are very good language learners? The fact is that they aren't.
  Some statistics (数据) from the survey showed that 62% of the English people only speak English. 38% speak at least one foreign language and 18% speak two or more. Compared with the British people, 56% of the people in other European countries speak at least one foreign language and 28% speak two or more. From this you can see that the British people are famous for not speaking foreign languages and that they are not good language learners in Europe.
  And the survey also showed that English is the most widely-spoken foreign language. Many European people can have a conversation in English. That's why my people don't think it is necessary to learn a foreign language.
  In Britain, students are not required to learn a foreign language. That means learning a foreign language is only an option at school. In schools in the UK , it is common for children to start learning a foreign language at 11 and many of them give it up at 14. So why don't students continue learning foreign languages at school? Because they think it is more difficult to get good marks in languages than in other subjects such as science or history.
  To solve this situation, the British government is looking for different ways to improve language learning at school. One way is to start learning it at a much younger age. Another one is to give school children more choices.
  Changing the British attitude to learning foreign languages may be a hard task but the government decides to try!
21.  Never go into a supermarket hungry! This is a good piece of advice. If you go shopping for food before lunchtime, you'll probably buy more than you plan to. Unfortunately, however, just this advice isn't enough for consumers (消费者) these days. Modern shoppers need an education in how and how not to buy things at the store.
  First, you should check the weekly newspaper ads. Find out the items (物品) that are on sale and decide if you really need them. In other words, don't buy anything just because it's cheaper than usual! "New and Improved!" or "All Natural" on the front of a package (包装) influence you. Instead, read the list of ingredients (成分) on the back. Then compare prices, that is, you should check the prices of both different brands and different sizes of the same brand.
  Another suggestion for consumers is to buy common items instead of famous brands (品牌). These products are cheaper because producers don't spend much money on packing or putting ads. The quality, however, is usually as good as the quality of well-known name brands. In the same way, in buying clothes, you can often find high quality and low prices in brands that are not famous. Shopping in discount (折扣) clothing stores can help you save a lot of money.
  Wise consumers read magazine ads and watch TV commercials, but they do this with one advantage: knowledge of the psychology (心理学) behind the ads. In other words, well-informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation. They ask themselves questions: Is the ad hiding something in small print at the bottom of the page? Is there any real information in the ad, or is the ad simply showing an attractive picture? With the answers to these questions, consumers can make a wise choice.
hard to When food in 

  My friend, Victor, is a zoo keeper (1)       the National Zoo. His work is very interesting but (2)      . Every morning the zoo keepers have to get up at five to prepare the (3)       for the animals. Each kind of animal is given special food. For example, the lions must eat meat; and the giraffes must eat grass and leaves. Sometimes some animals won't let the others eat their food. (4)       the animals are sick, the zoo keepers must look after them. Each sick animal is kept in a separate cage and given medicine. It is not easy to give medicine (5)       a sick lion!
regard remember be drive know 

  A superstar is someone who is usually famous in sports, films, or popular music, etc.
  One of the most famous sports superstars in the US (1)       the boxer Muhammad Ali. In American people's eyes, no one can surpass (超越) him. He won a gold medal (金牌) in the 1960's Olympics and became the heavyweight boxing champion in 1964. Since then, people (2)       him as the greatest and most famous boxer in the sports history. At that time, everyone (3)       Ali's name.
  But like the stars in the sky, a superstar may disappear. He died in June 3rd, 2016, at the age of seventy-four. I (4)       on a highway when I heard the news. Great sadness filled my heart, and I would never forget him. (5)       him, one road in New York was named Muhammad Road.
24.  In every country, there are thousands of people who want to help others out. Many join organizations run by their governments, such as the Peace Corps in the United States and Voluntary Service Overseas in Britain. Since disasters (灾难) take place in the world from time to time, a lot of volunteers offer to help! They do all kinds of work or come up with ways to help improve life. (1)       Others have no special skills, but they love to work hard to help.
  (2)       She could be the best volunteer because she gave her life to help the poorest people of Calcutta. She helped the homeless, cared for the sick, gave out food, and became mother of those without families.
  Now more and more teenagers actively look for volunteering opportunities, too. They volunteer because they think it will be fun or they will learn something. They also like the idea of being helpful to others, even if it is just handing out books for the teacher. As they get older, these reasons are still the same. (3)       Many of them volunteer for learning on-the-job, getting work experience, and improving their social life.
  (4)       They might read books to the blind or fix up broken homes. Also, they may find ways to get water for poor villages.
  Could you be a volunteer? What kind of volunteer work could you do? (5)       Let's do it now.

A. All volunteers bring joy to the people they help in so many ways.
B. Some offer their professional skills for free.
C. There is someone in the world who needs you.
D. Teenagers are too young to do volunteer jobs well.
E. One of the most famous volunteers in the world was Mother Teresa.
F. Every volunteer has a special skill.
G. But there are other important reasons for volunteering.
25.—What is the matter with David?
26.      ?
—It's about 8844.43 meters high.
27.—Where did you go yesterday?
28.—What were you doing this time last night?
29.—How long has Jim had the toy cars?

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