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1.—Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?
—Sure, ______.
  • A. no problem
  • B. not at all
  • C. my pleasure
  • D. well done
2.—Do you still play the piano?
—Oh. no, I ________ it for the past three years.
  • A. haven't played
  • B. didn't play
  • C. won't play
  • D. can't play
3.To ________ the environment, we'd better not use plastic bags for shopping.
  • A. dislike
  • B. protect
  • C. provide
  • D. hurt
4.Tony, your books ________ too much room. You need to put them away.
  • A. tidy up
  • B. take up
  • C. make up
  • D. turn up
5.Many people didn't pay much attention to this picture. They didn't know the ________ of it.
  • A. size
  • B. money
  • C. value
  • D. use
6.I like the air after the rain. It______fresh and can always make me relaxed.
  • A. sounds
  • B. keeps
  • C. tastes
  • D. smells
7.—Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Maybe it's Mrs. Smith.
—It ________be Mrs. Smith. She has gone to England.
  • A. needn't
  • B. can't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. shouldn't
8.—Chinese astronauts can walk in space now.
—Yes, they're the________ of our country.
  • A. pride
  • B. guest
  • C. dream
  • D. result
9.Work hard_________ you won't get what you want.
  • A. and
  • B. but
  • C. or
  • D. for
10.—Which of the two pens will you buy?
—I'll buy ____of them, so I can give one to my sister.
  • A. either
  • B. neither
  • C. all
  • D. both
11.Lingling as well as her parents ________ a walk after supper every day.
  • A. take
  • B. takes
  • C. go
  • D. goes
12.—Do you often shop on the Internet?
—No, I ________ do that because I don't think it is safe.
  • A. always
  • B. usually
  • C. sometimes
  • D. hardly
13.—What are you going to do this summer holiday?
—I will ________ lots of time learning French.
  • A. cost
  • B. spend
  • C. take
  • D. pay
14.—Would you like to tell me ______?
—Sure. Practice makes perfect.
  • A. how can I study English well
  • B. why do I learn English well
  • C. how I can study English well
  • D. why I learn English well
15.—Can I smoke here?
— ________. It says, "No smoking!"
  • A. Never mind
  • B. You'd better not
  • C. All right
  • D. With pleasure
16.  Are you a popular kid at school?Do you get along well with your friends?Being a kid is not easy, is it?But don't worry. Here are some (1)       suggestions.
  •We're different but best friends.
  Alex (2)       a pair of new basketball shoes. Each of his friends gets a pair. But mom says, "You have two pairs, so you don't need a new one." Alex feels (3)      . Do you have the same problem (4)       Alex?
  Friends might start to dress the same, talk the same, or even act the same. But friends can be (5)      .
  Friends can introduce different hobbies and share different ideas with each other. Friends should respect (尊重) each other's differences.
  •We need learn to say "no".
  If your friend asks you to do something(6)      , what should you do?Sometimes, saying no is not easy, (7)      we all want to get along with our friends. What can we do?Try to think about these questions:Do I want to do this?What good things could happen?What bad things could happen?Then you make your own(8)       even if your friend disagrees. If your friend is a true friend, he or she will (9)       you.
  But how do you say "no"? You can just say it. You can give a (10)       why it's a bad idea. You can make an excuse why you can't. You can suggest a different activity.
17.  Would you like to live in a tree? In Western countries, many families build tree houses in their garden. Kids play, read or party (1)       them. They all love tree houses.
  But for Alex Gardner, a 13-year-old boy from the US, it isn't (2)       to play in tree houses. Alex sits in a wheelchair (轮椅) . When he was eight, a car accident (3)       . He isn't able to get in most tree houses.
  Now things can change. Some people built a special tree house for (4)       like Alex. It took forty﹣five volunteers two years to build and $100, 000 from several charity (慈善) groups.
  Alex helped (5)       the tree house. When others asked him (6)       it was like, he said it was so beautiful.
  Somebody (7)       to the house without his wheelchair using a special rope (绳子) . When he is in the tree house, somebody put him into a seat, and the seat can move. "You can go (8)       in the tree house with the seat."
  The tree house is very big. The (9)       is enough for a party. Alex (10)       to party with his friends in the tree house. He thought his friends would enjoy it very much.
18.A: Hi, Kate, You look so happy. (1)      
B: I've just come back from the Museum of Space. And I've taken some photos there.
A: Really? (2)      
B: Yes, of course. (3)      . It's a spaceship. What do you think of the spaceship?
A: Oh, it's so great.
B: (4)      .
A: No. But I've planned to go there with my friends. By the way, my friends want me to find some pictures of spaceships. (5)      .
B: Sure. Here you are.

A. Have you ever been there before?
B.. Would you like to go with me?
C. Could you show them to me?
D. Take a look!
E. Can I borrow them?
F. My hobby is taking photos. G. Where have you been?
19.  Here's information for movies these days. If you want to watch movies, maybe this will help you.
Aladdin (阿拉丁)
What: Love Adventure
Where: America
When to be on: 2019. 5. 24
How long: 128 minutes
How much:
Changjiang Theatre ¥35
(half price for kids)
Bona Cinema ¥40
(free for kids under 1 meter) 
Doraemon (哆啦 A 梦)
What: Cartoon
Where: Japan
When to be on: 2019. 6. 1
How long: 111 minutes
How much:
Changjiang Theatre ¥35(half price for kids) 
Thomas &Friends:
Big world, Big adventure

What: Adventure, comedy (喜剧)
Where: England
When to be on: 2019. 5. 31
How long: 86 minutes
How much:
Changjiang Theatre ¥30 (half price for kids)
Wanda cinema ¥70 (Tickets for a family of three:¥180 Tickets for an adult (成年人) and a kid:¥120) 
Good boy and kungfu
What: Comedy
Where: China
When to be on: 2019. 5. 31
How long: 92 minutes
How much:
Changjiang Theatre¥30
(half price for kids)
Bona Cinema¥40
(free for kids under 1 meter)
Wanda Cinema¥80
(Tickets for a family of three:¥200Tickets for an adult and a kid:¥120) 
20.  Experiencing life is a kind of learning. And life has taught me several things. Now I want to share with you.
  Take care of your body. Whether you like it or not, life always likes people when they look good. So it's important that you do all to make you look best. I mean dressing nicely, exercising regularly (有规律地)and eating healthily. If you take care of your body, you will live longer and more happily, and you may even get better paid on your job. You should remember that your health is always your greatest wealth.
  Think in the long term. In high school I was thinking about college. In college I was thinking about life after college. You have to think in the long term. You have to see the "big picture". By planning your future, you will live into your plan.
  Besides, I have something else to share with you. Nothing is more important than focus (注意力集中). If you focus on the important goals, you will reach the goal. Winners learn to focus on their goals. Winners just focus on the most important things to their goals.
21.  Black holes are not really holes in space. A black hole is a dying star. It can pull things close to it. Even light can't get out.
  What does a black hole look like? Scientists are trying to take a photo of a black hole. But black holes look black. How do scientists take a photo of it?It takes a lot of teamwork. Eight observatories (天文台) from all over the world work together. They make the EHT telescope (格陵兰望远镜) . It is wonderful. It can see a golf ball on the moon!It took thousands of photos in April, 2017. Scientists are using supercomputers to find out a photo of a black hole among these photos. It's going to take a few months.
  It was on April 10, 2019 that we finally got to see a black hole in a photo. However, the photo doesn't show a black hole itself. The picture just outlines (描画…轮廓) the black hole, but getting and showing it to humans are still not simple.
  One day, if we can find out their secret, humans might "use black holes to time travel forward", according to National Geographic. We may be able to find out what the world will be like in the future.
22.  Where can you learn about the cultural relics (文物) of our country? You may visit museums or read books, but now a CCTV show may give you a more fun way to learn about them. The show is called National Treasure. Now, National Treasure 2 is on the TV screen in both Channel One and Three of CCTV.
  In National Treasure 1, it has 10 episodes (集). It shows 27 treasures from 9 museums across China. In order to make ancient culture relics come alive, the show uses different ways to explain the story, history and culture behind them.
  Although it's a show about old relics, it looks modern. The screen on the stage (舞台) shows the treasures clearly. National treasure keepers, both famous people and common people, introduce the treasures. Instead of just telling the stories and history behind the treasures, the show invites famous actors to be national treasures keepers, and they act out the stories on the stage. The actors even use the funny words to make their performances interesting and alive. For example, on the show, actor Wang Kai played Emperor (皇帝) Qianlong. People loved his performances (表演).
  While telling the stories behind the treasures, national treasure keepers also tell their own stories. For example, an old man named Qiu Qingnian. He is good at making natural paints for repairing (修复) ancient paintings. On the TV program, he shows people how to make natural paints.
  The show has become widely popular with its interesting ways, good performances and funny words. It has encouraged more people to visit museums.
23.  He was an 11-year-old boy. He often went fishing with his father in a lake. Once they went fishing early in the evening before bass (巴斯鱼) season opened the next day.
  Suddenly he felt that something very big was pulling on the line. He carefully pulled the fish out of the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass.
  The boy and his father looked at the big fish. The father looked at his watch. It was10 pm — two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy.
  "You'll have to put it back, son." he said.
  "Dad!"cried the boy.
  "There will be other fish." said his father.
  "Not as big as this one."cried the boy.
  He looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were in sight in the moonlight (月光). He looked again at his father. However, his father didn't agree and said, "It is not right to do wrong, even when no one is looking."
  The boy could tell from his father's voice that the decision couldn't be changed. He threw the huge bass into the black water. The big fish swam freely.
24.We went early to a       (避免) the crowds.
25.I wrote to John telling him all the latest n       (消息).
26.This might not be a c       (疯狂的) idea after all.
27.Have you r       (归还) the book to Jim yet?
28.While I like the color of the hat, I don't like its s       (形状).
29.近年来, "海外游学"( overseas study tours)渐趋热门.秉着"读万卷书, 行万里路"以及提高英语水平的初衷, 很多家庭选择让孩子参加各种寒暑假游学活动.作为一名中学生, 请从以下方面对该问题进行阐述.
1. 观点一:开阔眼界;了解并尊重不同的风俗文化.
2. 观点二:费用高昂;仍用汉语与同伴交流, 难以提高英语水平.
3. 短文不能出现真实姓名和校名.

These days, more and more people like overseas study tours. But different people have different ideas.
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