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1.  When the Spring Festival comes, red flowers bloom(开) on the windows of my home. Of course, these are not real flowers. But in the cold of winter, these wonderful flowers bring(1)      to us. They are made by my grandma(2)      is now aged 70. With a few cuts, she changes a piece of paper into a beautiful work of art.
  When my grandma was young, she (3)      clumsy(笨拙的) in the village. But (4)      a cold winter night, she saw some beautiful red paper art works on her new neighbor's windows. She was so interested in it and decided(5)      from her neighbor.
  (6)      of paper was wasted, and her fingers were cut many times. But she kept on(7)      .
It took 10 years (8)      my grandma could make paper art skillfully(娴熟的). The red flowers, blooming like burning fire, light up(9)      world. Now, everyone in the village respects her. My grandma's story has shown me what(10)      to realize one's dream.
2.  Depression(抑郁) is a serious illness that can happen to anybody, including teenagers(青少年). People with depression(1)      not realize they are having it. It's hard to put into words how depression feels, and people experience it(2)      . Some feel sad and everything makes them cry.
  Some often get angry and even small things make them lose their temper(发脾气). Some feel helpless and hopeless. They do too many wild or (3)      things:drinking, smoking, taking drugs, etc.
  For teenagers, being depressed is common. It has(4)      to do with the normal growth.
  Sometimes they get very depressed because of disturbing (令人不安的) things. Other times depression just happens. Often teenagers react to (对……做出反应) the pain of depression(5)      getting into all kinds of troubles. It's important for them to get treatment for depression(6)      it leads to other more serious troubles.
  It is very important for teenagers to be(7)      in mind. If you think you're depressed, (8)      with someone!Teenagers should learn to tell their problems to friends, family members or teachers.
  Talking to friends may be the best(9)      because they may share the same or similar feelings. It is also really important to let out depressed feelings sometimes. (10)      , crying is a good way to let out sadness.
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4.  Most of us have three meals a day. We take food for granted (理所当然). And we don't think about it. But experts argue that a food crisis is coming. This crisis is going to make us change the way we think about food.
  Food is in great need because of the growing world population. By 1960, the population was three billion (十亿) . It doubled to six billion by 1999. By 2050, this planet will need to feed at least nine billion people. As a result, the food prices will get higher and higher.
  So, what can a hungry, crowded world do?One suggestion is to eat less meat. Meat uses more natural resources(资源) than grains (谷物). It requires more land to produce one pound of meat than to produce one pound of grain. It also requires between 5 and 10 times more water than vegetables. So, eating less meat will provide more land for farming, and it will save water.
  To eat less meat, people will need to change their eating habits. That will not be easy. Americans, for example, always love meat. In general, they eat twice as much meat as people in other countries. At the same time, in developing countries like China and Brazil, sales of meat have doubled in the last 20 years. They will double again by 2050.
  Demanding (需要) for meat will continue to put pressure on natural resources.
  World population is increasing, resources are becoming fewer, and food prices are rising. Therefore (所以), we need to rethink what we eat every day. For meat lovers, we don't need to give up meat completely. But we need to eat more grains and less meat.
5.配对阅读左栏是 5位学生的需求, 右栏是7种产品简介, 请为每位同学选择一种最佳的产品, 并将答题卡, 上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
(1)       Double Ninth Day is two day away. Peter is thinking about buying his grandmother a gift. But he only has $50. His grandma s eyesight is so poor that she sometimes can't see the clock clearly.
(2)       Father's Day is several days away. Ann is thinking about a gift for her father. Her father is a sports lover. He enjoys riding bikes to the countryside on weekends. He'd like to have a better bike.
(3)       Frank's grandparents live in an area which is very cold in winter, but they have no heating system in the room. Frank wants to send them a gift that can meet their need. Price isn't a problem. (4)       Tony's aunt is a writer. She is a supporter of environmental protection. He decides to get her a present when he visits her on the coming weekend. But he can only afford things that cost less than $50.
(5)       Tom's mother hurt her foot while playing badminton 2 days ago. Now it still hurts from time to time. He is looking for something for her sports pain. 
A. Price: $20. 88Sometimes we get hurt while playing sports, like having a broken knee, a bad neck or a sore arm. No matter where the ache or pain is, put our spray(喷雾) on the hurting place, you'll get better at once.
B. Price: $280This 7-speed bike is designed to provide comfort for the riders. It's light and easy to operate. It's especially a good choice for a long distance ride.
C. Price: $45. 95The handsome talking watch has a clear voice that tells you the time when you push a button. The next time you forget your glasses, your watch will still be able to tell you what time it is.
D. Price: $49. 95Perhaps one of the worst things on a wet day is the fact that you might fall. Now you can walk easily and naturally with our shoes. Our shoes give you confidence when you walk.
E. Price: $25. 95This desk lamp saves electricity. It provides lighting that's perfect for many indoor activities, such as writing, reading, studying, and much more.
F. Price: $65. 98If you like to be warm in your bed, here's an electric blanket for you. It keeps you warm, holding a proper temperature all night long. It is easy to operate and wash!
G. Price: $15Do you want to look cool and different? Come and have a look at our T-shirts. We have many different colors with very lovely pictures printed on the front. You will surely stand out when you put on one. 
6.请用适 当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上.每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词.
  Most students have some problems when they are in junior high schools. Some students worry a lot that their parents want(1)      to be the best. Others don't get on(2)       with people, such as their parents and classmates.
  Jim, (3)      14-year-old student from Fujian, can't understand what his English teacher says. So he can't do well (4)      English. Every time when his English teacher asks him some(5)      in class, he will feel too nervous to answer anything. He always thinks his classmates will laugh at him if he makes mistakes in English. So he even refuses others' help.
  (6)      student, Mary from Guangzhou is afraid of exams. (7)      she looks at the exam paper, she can't think of how to write. But she is afraid to tell her parents about that, because her parents are(8)      with her and always ask her to do the best. Mary is under great pressure now.
  Many students don't like to(9)      for help. Some think it will be a shame if they go to ask teachers or classmates. Others don't want to talk about their study to anyone.
  An expert has the following advice for teenagers:Talk with your parents or teachers often. Take(10)      in group activities and play sports. It will be good for you.
7.  We all had big ideas about our future when we were young. But these days, when we are busy with school and exams, we seem to forget them. However, young singer Xu Haofei turned her big idea into reality. "I've always wanted to sing and create a fairyland(仙境) with my music, where everyone can find love. " said Xu. Her first CD, Imagine the Color of the Wind, came out on October 16. Famous music producers Zhang Yadong and Xu Xiaodong made it. She wrote one song for the CD herself, A Butrfly's Antennae.
  Xu has been dreaming of being a singer since childhood. While she was waiting to grow up, she poured all her feelings into writing. She hoped it would take people to a fairyland. When she failed to get into high school, she decided to go to Beijing to become a singer. She didn't know anyone in the music business but she believed one day she'd make it. "It was my writing that opened the door, " she said. "Miracles(奇迹) can happen, but the most important thing is to believe in yourself. "
8.一个人的梦想离不开儿时的爱好.在学习期间, 你有时会因爱好与学业在时间安排上产生的矛盾而感到烦恼, 顺利处理好这些矛盾可以使你的生活更加丰富多彩.请你写一篇英语短文, 谈谈你对这个问题的看法.
1. 简单描述你的一个爱好;
2. 如何处理好爱好和学习之间的关系给出两条建议.
1. 不能照抄原文, 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名.
2. 语句通顺, 书写规范, 词数80个左右, 作文的开头结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数.

Hobbies play an important part in everyone's life.
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