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  • A. table
  • B. eraser
  • C. David
  • D. dad
  • A. last
  • B. father
  • C. mother
  • D. card
  • A. family
  • B. my
  • C. library
  • D. dictionary
  • A. radio
  • B. dog
  • C. clock
  • D. lost
  • A. those
  • B. excuse
  • C. always
  • D. thanks
6.一Excuse me, do you have English book?
一Yes, ______book on the desk is mine.
  • A. a;a
  • B. an; a
  • C. a; the
  • D. an; the
  • A. a;h
  • B. b;h
  • C. i;r
  • D. f;w
8.Lucy is my uncle's daughter. She is my .
  • A. sister
  • B. cousin
  • C. brother
  • D. uncle
9.检测视力表上用的大写英文字母是(  ).
  • A. E
  • B. A
  • C. I
  • D. S
10.This room is tidy, that room isn't.
  • A. and
  • B. of
  • C. but
  • D. for
11.— What furniture (家具) is in Jack's room?
— A bed, a table and two ______.
  • A. watches
  • B. radios
  • C. chairs
  • D. clocks
12.— How many ______ do you have?
— Let me see, my father has two brothers.
  • A. uncles
  • B. cousins
  • C. sisters
  • D. aunts
13.一I can't see my ruler. What about ?
一My ruler is on the desk.
  • A. his
  • B. yours
  • C. it
  • D. you
14.— Hi, Mike, can I see your dogs?
— OK, you can ______ to my home to see ______.
  • A. come; it
  • B. find; them
  • C. help: them
  • D. come; them
15.一 Where is my eraser?
一 ______.
  • A. It's white and black
  • B. It's in the desk
  • C. It's my cousin's
  • D. No, it isn't
16."Where is your watch?" my parents me.
  • A. know
  • B. ask
  • C. excuse
  • D. answer
17.— Is this pencil box ______?
— Yes, it is. And the notebook is ______, too.
  • A. Gina; her
  • B. Gina's; her
  • C. Gina; hers
  • D. Gina's; hers
18.—What's in your ______?
—Three note books and a dictionary.
  • A. pencil box
  • B. schoolbag
  • C. card
  • D. notebook
19. ?
一Yes, it is.
  • A. Is my ruler on the table
  • B. Where is my chair
  • C. Is he your uncle
  • D. Is she your sister
20.—Hello, Frank! This is Bob. He is new here.
  • A. How are you?
  • B. Thank you.
  • C. Nice to meet you, Bob.
  • D. Fine, thanks.
21.  Here is a picture. You can see a(1)       in it. And a(2)      , 20 desks and 20 chairs are in the classroom. (3)       are those on the table?(4)       are some books and a box. And two pens, an eraser and two pencils are in the(5)      . On the books is a jacket. Whose is it?I don't (6)      . What's that(7)       the floor(地板)?It's a hat. Oh, no, it's a(8)      . It's a white and black bag.
  You can see(9)       people( 人) in the classroom, too. They are Miss White﹣﹣an English teacher, Lucy and Frank?Miss White is on her chair. What(10)       Lucy and Frank . They are in front of (在…前面) Miss White's desk.
22.Tom, Alice, Jack and Helen are friends. They are in the same class. They lost some of their
things. They must find them. Can you help them?
Names Things (物品) Colors Places (地点) 
Tom  black and white in the classroom 
Alice  white and golden (金黄色) in the classroom 
Jack  red and black on the play ground(操场) 
Helen  blue and black in the library 
23.  Cassie is a girl in Yunying Middle School. Her room is not tidy. It is in a mess. Her mom asks her to dean (打扫)the room and Cassie asks Carl for help.
  "Carl, can you come to my room now and help me clean it?" asks Cassie.
  Carl is Cassie's brother. Carl's room is always tidy. His schoolbag is on the desk. The chair is under the desk and the radio is in the bookcase. He doesn't ask his mom, "Where is my dictionary?" or "Where is my schoolbag?" He can always find his things (东西)in the room.
(1)      Hi, I'm Tony, I like sports very much. My favorite(最喜欢) sport is baseball.
(2)      My name is Tom. I'm an English boy. This is a photo of my family. My sister and I are in the photo, too. (3)      Hello, I'm Jim, my parents and I are in the same city(城市), but my sister isn't.
(4)      I'm Kate. I'm an English girl. I have a big family.
(5)      I'm Jack. I'm in Shanghai now. I have a son and a daughter. 
A. Look!This is his family photo. These are his grandparents. And those are his parents. His sister and he are in the photo, too.
B. He is a teacher in Shanghai. His son is Jim. He's 12 years old. He likes playing soccer. His daughter 's name is Mary. She's 8 years old.
C. Nine people(人) are in her family. They are her grandparents, her parents, her two brothers, her two sisters and her.
D. He and his parents are in Beijing His sister Emma is in Guangzhou. She is an English teacher.
E. He is in Chaozhou now. His favorite(最喜欢的)color is red. He is an English teacher.
F. He likes sports. He can play soccer, basketball and baseball. But his favorite sport is baseball. It is easy (容易) for him.
G. He is in a new school now. He has three good friends at the new school. He doesn't like sports. 
25.  Good afternoon!My(1)      is Cindy. Here(2)       a photo of my family. That is my(3)      Anna. She is(4)      English teacher in my school. She is a good teacher. She is our favorite (特别喜爱的) teacher because (因为) she always helps(5)       with our English. Her favorite(6)      is white. She is always in a white dress (连衣裙). Her bag is white(7)      . You can always(8)      a dictionary in it. I can't call her "mom" in the school. I(9)       call her "Ms. Smith". My friends(10)       it is interesting (有趣的) because they know she is my mother.
31.  Dale is in the classroom now, but he can't find his schoolbag. Where is it?Is it lost?No!It is in his home. He doesn't bring (带来)it to school. He calls his sister Sally and asks her to take his school things to school. Here are his school things.
  His schoolbag is on the chair. Under the chair is his pencil box. His notebook is on the desk. His dictionary is on the bed. His pencil isn't in the pencil box. It's on the sofa.
  Oh!Sally, don't forget (忘记)to take his baseball. Where is his baseball?Oh, it' s under the table.
32.李强的表哥王鹏要搬新家了, 但是没有时间取这些物品, 假如你是王鹏, 请给李强发一封邮件, 告诉他下列物品的位置, 请他帮助你把东西带到你的房间.
Things Places 
两张唱片 书柜里 
三本数学书 书柜里 
一台磁带播放机 桌子上 
一本汉语字典 沙发上 
一个棕色书包 桌子下 

要求:1. 语句通顺, 行文连贯, 作文必须包含上面的所有要点, 可适当发挥.
2. 60词左右, 电子邮件的格式、开头及结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Li Qiang,
Please bring these things to my room. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Wang Peng
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