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1.______ friend Laura is from London. She is now learning Chinese in Shanghai.
  • A. I
  • B. My
  • C. Me
  • D. Mine
2.Many doctors and nurses were sent to that city to take care ______ the patients there.
  • A. in
  • B. of
  • C. with
  • D. for
3."The boss is on______phone. He can't see you now." the secretary said to me.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
4.Wanda Plaza is ______ shopping center in Chongming and it attracts many local people.
  • A. large
  • B. larger
  • C. largest
  • D. the largest
5.I can't tell whether she is old or young, ______ I have never seen her.
  • A. but
  • B. for
  • C. or
  • D. so
6.According to the traffic laws, drivers ____ wear a safety belt while driving a car.
  • A. must
  • B. may
  • C. need
  • D. can
7.So many unusual things happened in 2020. ______special year it was!
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. What a
  • D. What an
8."You look ______ in that yellow and white dress." Mum said to her daughter.
  • A. happily
  • B. quietly
  • C. politely
  • D. lovely
9.I've promised Sally to keep the secret. I'll say ______ about it to anyone else.
  • A. nothing
  • B. everything
  • C. anything
  • D. something
10.Mr. Page still plans to take up a new hobby ______ he is almost 70 years old.
  • A. though
  • B. because
  • C. if
  • D. while
11.Willam ______ a beautiful gift yesterday because it is his father's birthday today.
  • A. buy
  • B. will buy
  • C. bought
  • D. has bought
12.My daughter ______ for a job interview in the city center next week.
  • A. go
  • B. will go
  • C. went
  • D. has gone
13.Online learning ______very popular with students since the beginning of last year.
  • A. has become
  • B. are becoming
  • C. would become
  • D. had become
14.The air outside is very dry this morning. Would you mind ______ the windows?
  • A. close
  • B. to close
  • C. closing
  • D. closes
15.These days doctors often advise citizens______ hands more often than usual.
  • A. wash
  • B. washes
  • C. washing
  • D. to wash
16.A) memory B) travelling C)beautiful D) scientist E) experiment
  Do you often take pictures during your trips? Years ago. Linda Henkel, an American (1)      was travelling at the Great Canyon. "When I was at the canyon's edge. someone came to the front, took a picture and walked away." she recalls as she shares her (2)       experience. "He didn't even look at the (3)      views there! It's just like. 'Got it — Done!"
  Henkel is surprised by how much people depend on pictures for their (4)      . These days, people take pictures before dinner, during friends' birthday parties, and so on. They believe taking picture will help them remember the moment. However, according to Henkel's research, the opposite is true.
17.A) pretend B) rarely C)prevent D) review E) carefully
  In her study. Henkel led a group of college students around a museum. She asked them to look at 15 exhibits (1)       and then to photograph 15 others. The next day, she tested the students' memory of the tour. She found that the students remembered fewer details about the exhibits they photographed.
  Henkel explains that when people rely on their cameras, they (2)       pay attention to themselves. As a result, they often fail to remember their experiences well.
  So taking pictures may (3)       our brain from remembering things and places. But should looking over the pictures wake up our memories?Henkel says this is true. However, it happens only we spend enough time doing it.
  "In order to remember, we have to (4)       the photos carefully." Henkel says. Unfortunately most people never take the time to look over their digital pictures. Why? There are just too many them!
18.Wendy was happy when she saw the menu that included many delicious       . (dish)
19.The      man from the left in this photo is my uncle who used to be an actor. (five)
20.Jack says it's easy to stop smoking. He       has done it lots of times. (he)
21.There were several problems, but one by one he managed to       them. (solution)
22.The teachers' training during the summer holiday turned out to be very       . (effect)
23.After having worked for several days, they'll       finish the project tomorrow. (probable)
24.Sam studies hard and he is confident that he'll pass the       examinations. (enter)
25.We tried to stop the fire spreading, but we knew it was       (hope).
26.David forgot to set the alarm clock before he went to bed last night. (改为否定句)
David      to set the alarm clock before he went to bed last night.
27.The 10th China Flower Expo will take place in Chongming next May. (对划线部分提问)
      the 10thChina Flower Expo take place in Chongming?
28.The students from the south have never seen so much snow before ( 改为反意疑问句)
The students from the south have never seen so much snow before,       ?
29.This mobile phone is expensive. I can't afford it. (保持句意基本不变)
This mobile phone is       expensive       I can't afford it.
30.So far, COVID-19 has killed thousands of people in that country. (改为被动语态)
So far, thousands of people       killed by COVID-19 in that country.
31.organizes, various, twice a week, our school, activities (.) (连词成句)
32.  Our summer camp program is for students 10 to 16 years of age. It includes a variety of fun activities. The camp is designed to enrich students' lives and encourage them to gain confidence. For more information, please visit our website:www. tallpinesschool. com
  How to register (报名)
  Complete the application form at the end of this book let. Each form must be signed by the child's parents. The parents will receive an email message once we have dealt with the application. Please make sure that an email address is provided on the application form.
  Our staff
  Tall Pines School staff members are chosen for their experience and their ability to relate to children. The teaching staff is made up of trained teachers who know children's problems.
  The environment
  Campers are provided with a safe environment. We have a gym, a science lab, a computer lab and a library. They are all air﹣conditioned. We also have four playgrounds and a soccer field.
  Expectations for behavior
  At Tall Pines School, we expect children to show respect for each other and for their teachers. Students are not allowed to leave their camps without the agreement of the teacher.
The 2021 programs
Camps A and C: $360/day;Camps B and D: $280/day
 Camp AJuly 3﹣7 Camp BJuly 16﹣20 Camp CAug 7﹣11 Camp DAug 20﹣24 
Ages 10﹣12 9:00﹣12:00 Health Training Creative Writing Dance 2021 Crazy Sports 
13:00﹣16:00 Badminton Camp An Explorers Cooking Time Musical Theater 
Ages 13﹣14 9:00﹣12:00 Super Sports Dance 2021 Mad Science Reading Club 
13:00﹣16:00 Art Explorers Little Picasso Discovering Robots Public Speaking 
Ages 15﹣16 9:00﹣12:00 Science Adventures Movie Maker Tennis Camp Public Speaking 
13:00﹣16:00 Young Engineering Minds Dance 2021 Little Picasso Creative Writing 
33.  Animals can move from place to place, but plants cannot. When an animal is under attack, it can run away or (1)      . Plants certainly cannot run away, and they have no teeth or claws. But plants can protect themselves by using both physical and chemical means (方法).
  Some plants have their own ways to keep animals (2)      . For example, the leaves of the holly plant have sharp points that discourage (打消; 阻止) grass-eating animals. Holly leaves on lower branches have more sharp points than leaves on upper branches. This is because the lower leaves are (3)       for most animals to reach.
  Some plants, such as the oak tree, have special ways to discourage leaf-eating animals. They have thick and hard leaves that are (4)       for animals to eat. Some grasses may contain a sandy material, eating such grasses wears down the animal's teeth.
  Many plants also have chemical defenses. Some plants produce chemicals that taste bitter or cause an unpleasant reaction. Some plants may fight against a(n) (5)      by increasing the production of these chemicals. When an insect bites a tobacco leaf, the leaf produces a chemical messenger (信使). This messenger sends to the roots the information to produce more nicotine. The higher levels of nicotine discourage the insect.
  Many plants (6)      both physical and chemical defenses . A certain plant in China, for example, has sharp leaves, and each sharp leaves contains poisonous venom (毒液). A single experience with this kind of plant will teach an animal not to eat the leaves of it in the future.
34.  In was August in Paris. Most people were out of the city, enjoying their summer holiday. The streets were (1)e      and restaurants were closed.
  But on a Saturday morning at 9 am. I was standing in a queue. I was waiting to see Lonardo da Vanei's Mona Lisa, the world's most famous artwork. I bought the ticket in advance. However, by the time I arrived at the Louvre (卢浮宫), there had been a very long (2)l       .
  It took me around 30 minutes to pass the security check. As I centered the museum. I found the second airport﹣style queue of the day. The queue moved forward (3)s       and silently. It's just like a trip to IkEA. You have to be patient because it takes much time to move forward. However, you have to walk, eyes﹣down, past lots of sofas and tables before you reach what you need.
  The only sign the Mona Lisa was (4)c       was a forest of security officers. Only ten people were allowed to view the painting at a time. A poster outside the pen (围栏) warned, "The Mona Lisa has many admirers. Please keep your visit short and sweet to give (5)e       a chance to meet her."
  "How short is short and sweet?" I wondered. Very short, it turned out.
  My watch clocked only 22 seconds from entering the pen before two staff members told me it was time to (6)g       . "One photo and leave," they said. I tried to take a selfie, but an arm quickly came to guide me onwards. Behind me, the queue moved forward, ten by ten, to take a photo and leave.
  I was almost (7)a       as I admired the other artworks in the Louvre. I couldn't help wondering: Why are there so many people to see the Mona Lisa and so few to see the other artworks?Are we really going to appreciate the famous artworks or are we just"checking in" at the "popular" attractions?
35.Computers VS Textbooks
①The debate on "textbooks VS computers" has been going on for years. How much technology is enough in the classroom?Should textbooks be replaced by computers?
②There is no doubt that computers are powerful tools. Computer-based lesson plans are updated in real time. New information can be added as soon as changes take place. Students can find the latest information for the subjects they are studying.
③With computers, students can learn how to use them for the rest of their lives. Today, computers are used in almost all areas. Students can prepare themselves better for the future if they have computers.
④However, despite these advantages, I think textbooks must stay.
⑤Textbooks are professionally edited. All the facts have been checked. They are put together in the best way. Each chapter builds on what a student has previously learned. On the internet, however, not all the information is true or organized.
⑥With textbooks, it is easier for students to take notes. Scientists have found that taking notes by hand helps students learn more.
⑦Textbooks are also less expensive than computers. While most families can afford textbooks, not all of them can afford a computer. Every student should be allowed to learn what he needs to learn. It's wrong to rob a student of his right to learn just because he can't afford the material.
⑧Computers are playing an important role in education. They allow students to learn more. However, I don't think they can replace textbooks. If students want to learn well, they must use textbooks. Do you agree with me?
36.Write at least 60 words on the topic " Things I love to do at weekends"(以"周末我喜欢做的事"为题写一篇不少60个词的短文, 标点符号不占格.)
在紧张的学习之余, 周末做些自己自欢的事可以调节放松一下自我, 以便更有效地继续下一周的学习.请谈谈你周末喜欢做的事, 且说说理由.
(注意:短文中不得出现任何校名, 人名及其它相关信息, 否则不予评分. )
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