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1.Be Worthy of Trust
  Kyle is fifteen years old. He often helps his parents to take care of his seven﹣year﹣old sister. Rita. He loves her very much, and he is happy that he can help his parents to take care of her. But sometimes it can feel like a lot of work.
  Last Friday afternoon, Kyle's parents both had to work late. They asked him to pick Rita up at school in the afternoon. Kyle (1)       because he did not have any plans that day.
  Around 4:00 in the afternoon, Kyle got a call from his best friend, Peter. "Kyle!Forget about whatever plans you had for today!" Peter said (2)       . "Jessica's mother just offered to let us use their country house this weekend!"
  Jessica's parents have a large and enjoyable country house. It has lots of bedrooms, a huge swimming pool and a gym. They can also listen to very loud music there because there are no neighbors. Kyle and his friends always (3)       about going there,
  "Come on, we will leave in half an hour!Get ready!" Peter said, Kyle looked at his watch and thought about how much(4)       he could have with his friends in the country. He knew the teachers at Rita's school would call his grandmother if he did not pick her up. He really wanted to go with his friends, and hesitated (犹豫) for a moment.
  But he knew he couldn't leave Rita alone. He thanked his friend for the invitation, but told his friend he must keep his (5)      . Then Kyle hurried to his sister's school.
  He was five minutes late, and when he got there, he saw that Rita was very (6)      and was about to cry. When she saw her big brother, Rita smiled. She ran to him and gave him a big hug. Kyle realized that he had done the (7)      thing. He must always keep his word and be worthy of trust because his (8)       influence (影响) other people's lives.
2.  Some teenagers want to go to a summer camp to improve their English and do something new. Below are some places they can go to.
The Lakeside Summer Campis a summer school with a difference. You sleep in special tents near the lake. We offer daily lessons in English, French or German, and then you are free to go hiking with our experienced guides, or ride a horse across the hills. 
The Valley Summer Campoffers great exam preparation classes. We offer accommodation (住宿), but if you prefer, you can choose to live with a local family. We have a pool, tennis courts and the best climbing walls in England. You can also go hiking over the weekends. 
Beach Activity Campis a great way to spend summer days without usual English classes. All learning takes place by doing activities. It's the perfect place for tennis and football fans. You have plenty of chances to get out into nearby Margate with its lively cafes and its great beach. 
Happy City Summer Campis a great place for girls to improve their English by doing activities, like dancing, cooking and painting. There are also sailing lessons on our own lake!You can take shopping trips to London, so don't forget to bring some money. 
3.Evan's Summer Job
  More than anything in the world, Evan wanted to be a writer, He often wrote stories. He entered his very best story in a writing competition. The first prize was a scholarship (奖学金) to a "writing workshop in a beautiful town. But he didn't win.
  "That's okay," his father said. "You can work with me at the hardware (五金)store this summer. You can make some money."
  "But I don't want to work in the hardware store," Evan said, "I want to spend the summer writing stories."
  "Working in the hardware store will be good for you," his father said. "It will get you some experience with the world, and you will have something to write about,"
  Evan had no choice. so when school Was out, he went to the hardware store with his father. He disliked helping customers, and kept a small notebook in his pocket so that he could take every chance to write.
  One day, a man came in and talked to Evan's father. The man's sentence seemed strange. Evan wrote down what the man said in his notebook.
  A few days later, Mrs. Green came in with her four children. "I need a screwdriver (螺丝刀) "she said.
  "What are you fixing, Mrs. Green?" Evan asked.
  Mrs. Green started a long story about her children, her chairs, and the high price of calling someone to fix them. When she was gone, Evan wrote down her story.
  Over the summer, Evan collected new words, phrases and stories in his notebook. He soon began producing stories that were quite different from the stories he had written. He wrote about the things from real life. His stories were more interesting.
  The following spring Evan entered a new story in the writing competition, and this time he won!
  "I'm proud of you," his father said.
  "Thank you, Dad," Evan said. "I never expected that the hardware store even had the most important and practical details (细节) of writing!"
4.  In March, 2021. the United Nation (UN) released (发表) a report on the worldwide problem of food waste. It shows that people around the world waste a billion tons of food a year. About twice as much as earlier studies suggested.
  The report covered food waste around the world in2019. The study looked at several different ways in which food is wasted — at home, in restaurants and in stores. It shows that most food waste about61%happened at home. On average (平均), food waste at home is shout 74 kilograms for each person every year. Restaurants were responsible for about26% of the food wasted. The left 13% was thrown away by stores.
  One surprising discovery was that food was wasted at about the same speed in all countries except the poorest ones. The UN had difficulty measuring (测量) food waste in the poorest countries. Many people thought rich countries were more likely to waste food than less rich countries. That turned out not to be true. In fact, some rich countries wasted far less food than average.
  But people in rich countries may waste less food at home because they eat out at restaurants more often. For example, the US has low waste numbers for homes, but quite high numbers for restaurants.
  Sometimes people might throw away food although it's still good to eat, simply because the "Best By" or "Sell By" date has passed, In poorer countries, people throw away food because not all homes have a fridge.
  Why is wasting food such a problem?For one thing, hundreds of millions of people went hungry in 2019. Wasting food is also really bad for the planet. Farming creates between 10% and 30% of the world's greenhouse gas. When food is thrown out, the pollution is created for nothing.
  The report says that it's important for countries to study food waste more carefully in order to work out ways to solve the problem. Some possible uses for food waste include making food for animals, creating compost (肥料) to help crops grow. or burning (燃烧) food to create energy. The important thing is to keep food from simply becoming rubbish.

5.  Some articles argue the TV is dead. According to this opinion, people are spending far more time using the Internet for entertainment (娱乐) and information. As A result, they argue the TV is becoming less and less important in our lives. The time we spend watching videos online increasing, but I don't think this is an reason to believe we should say goodbye to the television.
  The TV is still a very popular way for a lot of us to get entertainment at home. It offers us the chance to see top musical artists, great films and documentaries and sometimes, thanks to important live events, it has the power to bring the whole country and all ages together in a way the Internet never could. How often do thousands or even millions of friends or families sit down at the same time to watch something together online?
  Some people argue that the TV offers a poor quality of programmes on many channels (频道) we now have. It is certainly true that many of the channels do nothing more than repeat old shows or offer cheap and low quality programmes, However, I would argue that a lot of content (内容) on the Internet isn't very great. At least TV shows have professional (职业的) people checking the quality of shows, but a lot of content online doesn't.
  I agree that it is easy to keep up-to-date with the latest news on the Internet, even though much of it is not true. 1 enjoy sitting down to the news on TV in the evening, and I am more likely to believe the information than the things I read online. Anybody can post information on the Internet and a lot of it is opinion rather than fact.
  So I don't think we should be so quick to say goodbye to the TV. In fact, I think it has many more years left in it!I certainly won't exchange my TV for the latest notebook computer and will still enjoy relaxing in front of it in the evenings.
6.International Day of Friendship
  Friends come in all shapes and sizes, They may be someone we met as "child, a classmate at school, someone we met at work or through other friends. Friends enjoy doing things together or simply talking with each other, Friends are there to help us at difficult times and celebrate the good times. Doctors say that friends are very important for both our physical and mental health.
  But friendship is not only important on a personal level, It is also important on an international level. Friendships between countries can help bring peace and avoid war.
  Thinking of people in other countries as our friends helps us work together to build a culture of peace. That's why the United Nations (UN) declared (宣布) 30 July as its official International Day of Friendship.
  An international celebration was first suggested by Dr Ramon Artemio Bracho and his friends in Parguny (巴拉圭), in 1958. They wanted to support (支持) the importance of friendship in keeping the peace so they decided to celebrate Friendship Week in Puerto Pinasco and other places in Paraguay. The following year, they celebrated the week again and finished on 30 July, which they declared as Friendship Day. From there, celebrations of friendship grew and spread across the Americas, then the world, and finally the UN declared an International Day of Friendship in 2011.
  A number of countries celebrate the International Day of Friendship on 30 July, but it is not the only day celebrating friendship around the world. Other countries have different dates. For example, Argentina, Brazil and Spain celebrate Friend's Day on 20 July, while in India and the US, they celebrate it on the first Sunday in August.
  The celebrations around the world are very similar (相似的), Friends meet up to spend time together. They may eat out or have a meal at home. They give each other small gifts:books, flowers and simple jewellery. Some people send each other cards and greetings online. Whatever form the celebration takes, the real meaning is the same to remember the importance of friends and the power of friendship.
11.根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
旅行既可以帮助我们放松身心, 也有助于我们开阔眼界.增长知识.相信每个人都有一些美好的旅行经历.
假如你是李华, 你们学校的英文报刊正在开展以 "美好的旅行经历"为主题的征文活动, 请你用英文写一篇短文投稿, 介绍你的一次美好的旅行经历, 包括你去的是什么地方、这个地方有什么特色, 你做了什么以及你的感受,
提示词语:be famous for, lake, walk, take photos, wonderful
●Where did you go?
●What is the place like?
●What did you do there?
●How did you feel?
  Everyone has had wonderful trips. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
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