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1.  Hello, everyone! My name is Jack. I am from the UK. There are four (1)       in my family, my parents, my brother and me. I'm a student in a middle school in China. I go to school five days a week from Monday (2)       Friday. We have four (3)      in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. I like history. I think it is interesting, (4)       my friend, Tim, thinks it's difficult.
  I often help Tim (5)       it. At 12 o'clock, I go to the dinning hall with Tim. We have lunch together. My favourite food is chicken and (6)       is very delicious. After lunch, I like to have some fruit because it is( 7)       for my health. We have a football class every afternoon. I like (8)       football and I can play it very well. In the evening, I usually read some books before I go to bed. I like singing, too. (9)      Saturday evening, I (10)      sing and dance with my friends in the park. We always have a great time there.
2.  A woman has two water buckets (桶). One of the buckets has a hole in it, while (1)      bucket is nicer and can hold water without leaking (泄漏).
  Every day, during the long walk from the river to her (2)       , the woman carries one and a half buckets of water. This (3)      every day for two years. The nice bucket is proud of itself. (4)       the bucket with the hole in it is upset (不高兴, 沮丧).
  One day, it says to the woman, "I feel bad because this hole in my side causes water to leak (5)       all the way to your house."
  The old woman smiles and says, "Do you (6)       that there are flowers on your side of the path but not on the other bucket's side?"
  "That's because I plant flowers on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back. You (7)       them, I have used these beautiful (8)       to decorate (装饰) my house for two years. Without you, my house would not be so colorful and (9)      ."
  Just like the bucket, we all have our own problems, but these things can sometimes (10)       our lives more interesting and meaningful.
3.Welcome to Our School Clubs
Chinese Calligraphy Club
Want to learn how to write traditionalcharacters? Want to enjoy the beauty of Chinese Calligraphy? Ms Zhao is waiting for you. She can teach you to write the most beautiful Chinese characters. Time:Thursday afternoonRoom:105 
Beijing Opera Club
Are you interested in music, dancing, painting or beautiful clothes?You can enjoy all of these in our club. Beijing Opera can show you the charm (魅 力) of Chinese traditional form of music. Sometimes we go to Mei Lanfang Theatre to watch Beijing Opera.
Time: Friday afternoonRoom:107 
Taijiquan Club
Choose something new and fun. Taijiquan is an interesting and traditional kind of exercise. It's slow and quiet, but very good for your health. We will have a competition at the end of the year! Come and join us!
Time: Monday afternoonRoom:201 
Chinese Knot Club
Do you like art?Come to our Chinese Knot Club. Make your own knots and learn something about Chinese culture. The traditional red knots bring you good luck. You can put them up in your room.
Time: Tuesday afternoonRoom:308 
4.  Global warming is a big problem we are facing now. It's very hot outside. Do you want to be cooler? It's a good idea to enjoy the air conditioner in the room. But do you want to take an air conditioner with you? If your answer is "yes", you can try Sony's mini air conditioner.
  The name of the mini air conditioner is Reon Pocket. It is not as big as the air conditioner in your room. It is very small, so it is easy to carry. In fact, it is as small as a business card. You can put it in the pocket of a special T-shirt.
  It is very useful. It makes the air around you cooler. It takes around two hours to charge the battery (电池) and you can use it for about 90 minutes each time.
  It's easy to use Reon Pocket. You need to download an app on your mobile phone. Then you can use the app to set the temperature you want.
  Reon Pocket is very popular. Lots of people can't wait to buy it
(1)       Linda is an English girl. She is in China now. She is interested in the history of China, especially history about different dynasties (朝代).
(2)      Paul is a middle school student. He likes playing soccer best. He usually plays soccer on the school playground after school.
(3)      Lin Wei is from Guangzhou. She is a middle school student. She likes English very much. However, she doesn't know how to learn English well she needs some help.
(4)       Bob likes delicious food. But he thinks eating outside is too expensive. He wants to make food at home.
(5)      Nancy is a 12-year-old girl. She always finds math a little difficult. She is looking for a useful book to learn math more easily. 
A. Learn English with me Page:120 Price: 15 yuanDo you want to learn English fast and well?Then take this book.
B. Olympic Math Book Page: 100 Price: 20 yuan The exercises in this book are a little difficult. It is for students who want to study further (更深入) in math.
C. Easy Math Page: 100 Price: 10 yuan. After reading this book, you can find math is not difficult or boring.
D. Let's Play Soccer Together Page: 120 Price: 12 yuan Do you like playing soccer?Do you want to be a great soccer player?If your answer is yes, take this book.
E. History Stories Page: 150 Price: 15 yuan The book has a lot of interesting English history stories and pictures. It's easy to understand.
F. Chinese History Book Page: 160 Price :20 yuan The book is for the Chinese Middle students of Grade Two. It can help you learn Chinese history from Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty.
G. Cook Yummy Food at Home Page: 80 Price: 10 yuan Do you think eating outside is too expensive? With our book's help. You can enjoy nice food at home. 
6.请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在短文下方的横线上, 每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词.
  Hello! This is my best friend. His name is Mile. He comes from the USA. He often travels to some foreign (1)      , like Japan, France and Canada for his summer holiday. Now he is (2)       with his parents in China. He enjoys living in China (3)       he likes the life of the country very much. He (4)       likes Chinese food. Beijing Duck and dumplings are his (5)      . Mile's mother usually makes breakfast for (6)      , so he usually has it at home. He has an egg, some bread or porridge for breakfast (7)       he never drinks any milk.
  Mile doesn't have enough (8)       to go home for lunch. So he eats at school. The lunch in his school is good. He can have (9)       kinds of food. He can eat rice, meat and vegetables. He sometimes has noodles and dumplings, about three times (10)      week. He has dinner at home with his parents. Sometimes he goes to eat with his friends.
7.  Healthy eating habits (习惯) aren't what you eat, but how you eat. Here are some suggestions (建议) on healthy eating.
  ◆Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After you don't eat for the past ten hours, your body need food to give you energy. You will be smarter after eating breakfast.
  ◆Eat different food, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have your favourite food, but you'd better eat something different. When you eat different food, you can get more nutrients (营养物质) the body need.
  ◆Drink water and milk as often as possible. When you're really thirsty, water is the No. l choice. Milk is a great drink, too. It can help you grow strong.
  ◆Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry. If you really feel hungry, try to drink a glass of water first before you have meals. If you do so, you can eat less food. Remember to stop eating before you feel full.
8.俗话说:"健康饮食就是健康人生", 不良的饮食习惯不利于青少年的成长.假设你是李华, 你校的英文报社正在举行征文活动, 现面向全校学生征稿, 主题为"饮食与健康", 请你写一篇英语短文向报社投稿.
1. 简要介绍你的不良饮食习惯及其产生的影响;
2. 谈谈健康饮食的好处;
3. 对如何保持健康, 提出你的建议至少两点.
1. 不能照抄原文, 不在作文中出现真实姓名和学校名称.
2. 语句连贯.词数70个左右.作文开头已经给出, 但不计入总词数.
  Today, many students have some bad eating habits. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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